Off The Deep End


I am having a rotten day, so let me share the rottenness with all of you!

(I know. I AM such a giver.  Thanks for noticing.)

Anyhoosers, I think part of it is coming back to work after a delightful week off, part of it is the crummy weather, part of it is trying to schedule the 50 frillion blood tests I still have to do, despite my less than stellar performance the last time I had blood drawn.

Let’s focus on something a little cheerier, shall we?

Our anniversary trip was great! 

We stayed in a beautiful hotel, had gorgeous, warm Southern California weather and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

After a long drive down Interstate 5, we checked into the hotel and went for a swim.  As you may have heard, I am now an experienced swimmer (*cough cough*) and decided to rock the for-Chrissakes-why-can’t-you-be-MORE-slimming-black-suit-and-goggles look.

"Snort, gargle, gasp…HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH," I hear coming from BeBop’s pie hole as he emerges from the deep end. 

"Why the HELL are you wearing THOSE?" he shouts across the pool, obviously referring to my goggles.

"So I can SWIM dickweed honey, so I can open my eyes under the water when I have my contacts in," I explain. 

I don’t think he hears me because he is laughing so hard.

"…GOD [snort, cough], you look soooo funny!  Do you really want to be looking like THAT when Reese Witherspoon* swims by?" he asked.

"Like what?" I ask. Not defensively. AT. ALL.

"Like a turtle!" he responds. "Like a turtle with a thyroid problem!! HAHAHAHA…" he adds helpfully, practically drowning himself with his amusing observational humor.

I suppose he was referring to the bugged-out, googly-eye effect the goggles have on me.  It is not flattering, I will admit to that.  The combination of the goggles and the black hideously-unflattering  sporty bathing suit do not make for a fashion statement, but what can I say?

I have very little shame.

Other than that humiliation, the vacation was great.  We sat by a pool overlooking the Pacific Ocean and ate our meals outside and walked along the beach and had drinks for dinner one night in the piano lounge and talked about why we like being married.

What could be better?

Not having Thanksgiving with my family could be better, as it turns out.

It wasn’t terrible, just a few comments by The Mom ("Oh…there’s TWO of you not drinking this Thanksgiving!" she exclaimed at dinner, referring to my sister and her Mormon husband.  This was followed by an awkward silence as everyone looked sideways at me, watching me refill my wine glass. Again.).

There was a loud argument with said brother-in-law followed by me changing clothes and going for a run, the entire time praying "please God, let me not shove a turkey neck up his ass," and "please Lord, give me the patience to listen to his Orange County, bastion of right-wing, neo-conservatism blather and not want to take the leftover stuffing and stick it in his craw" and "sorry for the use of the word ‘ass’ in my earlier prayer."

After my run I actually did feel a lot better and we managed to avoid each other for the rest of our stay.


Got. To. Love. It.

Before I left for Southern California, the effervescent Zee and I e-mailed about how our lady parts seemed to be on similar schedules and how much we hoped that we would both 1) ovulate 2) on vacation 3) get pregnant and 4) have lengthly on-line discussions about hemorrhoids over the next nine months.

Is that too much to hope for?!?


I was sure I would ovulate right smack in the middle of my vacation, but my lady parts had other ideas.  I guess while I was trying to avoid Reese Witherspoon** in the pool, my ovaries took a short detour down to Tijuana.  It’s only about a two hour drive from our hotel, and my best guess is that they grew tired of lolling about the pool and wanted more action.

Why skanky, VD-infested strip clubs and tequila bars seem more attractive than Laguna Beach I will never know, but that’s what happened.  There is gum to buy*** and serapes to bargain for, and I guess the peace and quiet was just too lame and way uncool for the girls.  Snots.  I knew those cell phones with rollover minutes were a bad idea.  And all those clothes from Forever 21.  Ingrates!

Anyway, the appointed Day 17 came and went, and there was nary an ovulation to be had. 

Hmmmmm…I thought.  Head scratching ensued.  This means we must continue having the sexytime, I thought in a strange, Borat-like accent.

We kept having the sexy time, and surprisingly it was more enjoyable without the dog flailing around at the end of the bed and the thermometer and the clipboard and the alarm clock.

(P.S. Why didn’t any of you tell me?!?)

Eventually, I ran out of OPKs and decided to be patient and wait for the girl bits to get over their hangover and come on home.

Once we got home, the OPK finally turned positive and lo and behold, I think I finally ovulated on CD20. (Plus, I had the distinct sensation of carrying a leather pouch with a bunch of rocks in it around my mid-section. Delightful.)

So who knows?

I was pretty relaxed on this vacation and everyone keeps saying once I relax I’ll for sure get pregnant, so maybe this will be our month.

Hey!  Stop laughing. 

That’s just rude.

*We did not see Reese Witherspoon.  We were staying at a resort frequented by celebrities, and before you get all, oh no she di’int on me, my sister’s best friend works there and we got a great deal.  So we were living in the lap of luxury without having to pay for it.  Posers?  Party of two??

**We still haven’t seen Reese Witherspoon.  But I’m sure if she had swum by, I would have remarked on how sorry I was about her marriage breaking up with SUCH sympathy and warmth that she would have completely ignored the wet otter look I was sporting at the time.  In fact, I’m quite sure we’d be BFFs by now.

***This would be funny if you’ve ever been to Tijuana. If you’ve never been, just trust me on this one.****

****I guess it’s not too bright to include a location joke that would only be amusing to one, maybe two, of you, huh??*****

*****But I bet Reese would think it’s hysterical!!!

Off Like A Prom Dress

But not MY prom dress (see previous post re:  cross-dressing ex-boyfriend.  I think at the time he was more interested in WEARING my prom dress as opposed to seeing me out of it.  Ahem. Moving on now…).

Anyhoo, we leave tomorrow for our 5th anniversary trip and Thanksgiving with my family. 

Which, of course, includes The Mother (duhn duhn duhn) and The Pregnant Sister (wah wah wah…) so wish me luck.  I will need it.  At least I can drink heavily — I got that goin’ for me.

So we’re off to The OC !

That’s how we roll up in here, bitches!!

You May Have To Take A Day Off Work To Get Through This

Okay, so since I’m pretty much of a lazy ass, I will direct you to The First Six and hereby commence this list with Number Seven.

7.  Hmmmm…writer’s block already.  Does. Not. Bode. Well.

8.  I was a chubby kid.  My Mom always said it was baby fat and that I would outgrow it, and yet she put me on every diet known to man.  I could make up this entire post of 100 things just by listing every diet I’ve ever been on.

9.  One of my favorite words is ‘half-ass’ – I love this word and use it every chance I get, even as a verb.  As in, "BeBop, why the FRICK are you half-assing the dishes, JUST SCRUB THEM ALREADY!!"

10.  BeBop hates the word ‘half-ass.’ See above.

11.  My first boyfriend wrote out all the words to the Peter Cetera song You’re The Inspiration and I thought it was the most romantic gesture EVER.

12.  He turned out to be a cross-dresser. This was not my fault.

13.  Years after we broke up, we had lunch and he shared this news with me.  We briefly talked of becoming roommates, and then I realized if we shared a closet we would be sharing a closet and suddenly this did not seem like such a good idea.

14.  Growing up, I always thought I would be a lawyer and then go into politics.  Even from a young age, I volunteered on campaigns and was on the debate team in high school.

15.  After college I worked for a CRAZY attorney who smoked pot before going to court.  I soured on law as a career path and instead of going to law school I moved to Los Angeles.

16.  As I mentioned, I was a Congressional Page when I was about 15.  I was never hit on by any Congressmen.  I think because I had one thing going for me.  It’s called a VAGINA.

17.  During college I worked in Washington, DC for a summer and then after grad school moved there for a few years.   I loved that city.  But I grew disillusioned with politics and am still figuring out what I want to be when I grow up.

18.  I’m thinking these should be shorter or you’re going to be here all damn day.

19.  I spent a summer in a small West African village when I was in college.  No running water, no electricity.  It was awesome and horrible, all at the same time.

20.  I caught malaria and thought I was going to die. 

21.  I kept thinking my Mother was going to KILL me if I went to Africa and ended up dying of malaria.

22.  Exactly a year later I was backpacking through Europe and had a mysterious illness which consisted of really, really high fevers and once again,  was pretty sure I was going to die.

23.  When I saw BeBop for the first time, a shiver ran down my spine and I thought:  there he is.

24.  We started off as friends, hanging out doing ‘date-like things’ that would include dinner, a movie and often drinks.

25.  But he never tried to kiss me, so I assumed I was permanently stuck in the Dreaded Friend Zone.

26.  Then  I had a dream in which he was choosing two copies of each book from the basement of the publishing company he was working for at the time.

27.  When I woke up, I was sure he was seeing someone else. 

28.  About two weeks later, he explained that we were in the Friend Zone because he was ending a relationship with someone and didn’t want to complicate matters.

29.  This was actually fine with me because I was also casually seeing someone, a guy who had just graduated from college.  I was almost 30, he was 22 and hot. SCORE!

30. But when I refused to sleep with him he dumped me on my ass.  BASTARD.

31. But I kept his favorite baseball cap and as you know, there is nothing more precious to a frat boy than his beloved, well-worn college baseball hat.

32.  So you can SUCK IT college boy.

33.  Not that I’m bitter or anything.

34.  BeBop and I started dating shortly after that.

35.  When we started talking about adopting a dog, he suggested the name Peas. I almost left him over that.

36.  I am terrified of heights. 

37.  And roller coasters.  Once when we went to Vegas I went on the New York, New York roller coaster and kept my eyes clenched shut the entire time. I was SURE I was going to pass out cold and fall out of the safety bars.

38.  Needless to say, I do not, in fact, feel the need for speed.

39.  I hate it when people try to cut in line.  I get very angry when this happens.  And I mean steam-coming-out-of-my-ears-practically-catatonic-with-rage angry.

40.  It is not a pretty sight.

41.  All through college, I had a recurring fear that I would one day be taken hostage in a bank.

42. For years, each time I went into a bank I tried to locate a hiding place that I was sure would one day come in handy when the bank was suddenly taken over by masked men.

43.  I feared one of those Richard Nixon masks the most.

44.  I seriously had this fear for four years.

45. Soon after I graduated, some friends invited me to a local bar for drinks.  Since it was a weeknight and I actually had a real life job (with the screaming lawyer) I declined at the last minute.

46.  That night, the bar where they went was taken over by a heavily armed crazy person.  Several people were shot trying to escape.  One of these people was a woman from my sorority, who was shot ten times but lived.

47.  The man kept these students hostage for the entire night.  One student died, after bleeding to death behind the bar.

48.  He did things to them.  But no one really knows what, because none of the people wanted to talk openly about it once it was finally over.

49.  It’s a little like the plot of that new TV show, The Nine.

50.  It was a horribly traumatic thing (to put it mildly) and terrifying for those of us who knew these people.  None of us knew how to help them.

51.  After this tragedy, I never had that premonition again.

52.  Suddenly half-way through this list, it has taken a macabre turn.

53.  Maybe you should take a quick break and grab yourself a Diet Coke?  It’s okay, I’ll wait…

54.  Much better!

55.  I love dogs and like cats, but I’m definitely a dog person.  I’m not sure if I’ll ever have cats of my own. BeBop is not a big fan. 

56. My sister used to have a little bird she called Josh.  He hated my guts and would scream (squawk?) bloody murder whenever I entered the room.

57. My sister would do her homework sitting on her bed with Josh perched at the end of her pencil.

58.  Being the nerdy bookworm I was, I thought this was ridiculous and told her so.  She was the cool kid and hated me giving her advice.  She and Josh would gang up on me and I would leave the room dejected, having had my proverbial ass kicked by my little sister and a little green bird.  Pathetic.

59.  On September 12, 2001, when BeBop and I started talking about canceling our wedding, I had my first (and hopefully last) panic attack.

60.  That was, and still is, one of the saddest moments of my life.

61.  Good grief Charlie Brown! Why is this list so depressing??

62.  My Mom has a photo of an Indian Guru in our house.  He’s wearing an orange robe and has a huge, bushy afro.

62.  This afro is like the exaggerated hairstyles seen in movies from the 70s.  It’s just a huge halo of hair. I cannot overemphasize the hugeness that is this afro.

63.  When one of my college roommates came home with me, she asked if that was my Dad.

64.  My Mom and I started laughing so hard we couldn’t speak and were doubled-over, trying to catch our breath, for like five minutes.  My roommate just stood there, unsure as to what was so humorous.

65.  This would be funny if you knew my Dad.  An uptight, prep-schooled New Englander.  With short hair and madras pants and golf clubs always within arm’s reach.  Who sings in the church choir. So to confuse him with an Indian Guru  in an orange monk’s robe with this huge afro is just, well…I guess you had to be there.

66.  I love food.  Like, LOOOOVE it. 

67.  Speaking of food, I just ate lunch and had a bowl of yogurt with bananas and flax seeds.  When I was about two bites from finishing, I bit into something hard that was not a flaxseed. It was a tiny bit of glass.  Then I found two more in my mouth.  I was eating glass people!  [That  sentence should read:  I was eating glass, people! otherwise it looks as if I was eating GLASS PEOPLE, which, unless I was really hungry, would not make any sense!]

68.  Speaking of eating glass, I really did meet an amateur magician a few years ago at a colon cleansing health retreat (mentioned in the First Six).  In his act at the end of our stay, he ate a light bulb!

69.  We’d been on a strict diet of juices, wheat grass and sprouted sprouty things all week, so I can’t imagine how this light bulb affected his digestive system.

70. He was (and still is, I presume) the father of the actress Michelle Williams.  It was during the time she was on Dawson’s Creek and I was waaaay too old to be watching that show, but I was.  And I admitted it when he told me who his daughter was.

71.  And I jokingly offered to run away with him and be his apprentice.  And I was only half-joking.

72.  My sister and I have a habit of cracking each other up at the most inappropriate times.  Think church, funerals, formal dinners, that kind of thing.

73.  My goal is always to make her spit out her drink through her nose, which she does often.  Sometimes when we start laughing we cannot stop.

74. Once when she was little, she drew a crude rendering of a pig on the church program, put an arrow pointing to the pig and then my to name.  As if the pig was named Watson, or that I was the pig.  Is this clear? I cannot tell.

75.  Anyway, we started laughing and snorting so loud we had to leave the pew and run outside.  My parents were not pleased.

76.  I always hated church but still go on Easter and Christmas to please my parents.  Really my Dad, because my Mom prefers to sing Indian hymns at a local ashram.

77. Once when I was in junior high my Mom brought me to an ashram in Oakland.  An Indian guru was there (not the one in the aforementioned photo) and he was blessing people.  You had to wait in a long line and then bow down before him.

78. Usually, he would make some sort of a blessing gesture above your head and murmur something in Hindi.  When my Mom got her turn, he started batting her over the head with a large peacock feather. But the kind of feather with the…spine thingey??…in it, so that it was more like a small stick.

79. And he kept slapping her on the head with this feather, making a loud "THWACK" sound each time.

80.  She thinks he was opening her chakra.  I think he was punishing her for being mean to me when I was little.  (See previous post re: being locked in room in order to bend spoon with so-called psychic powers.)

81.  I get terribly carsick AND seasick.  Sometimes I’m not that much fun to travel with.  Unless you like vomit, because THEN I’m your best fuckin’ friend!

82. I love words.  I love reading them and writing them, and speaking them and learning about them and making them up.  I heart words.  Strangely, this never occurred to me until one day shortly after we met, BeBop said, "GAWD, you, like, totally love words."  And I thought, "Holy freaking hell, I DO!"

83.  Are you sure this list is supposed to be all about me?  It feels self-indulgent and narcissistic.  And by  "self-indulgent and narcissistic" I mean SUPER FUN.

84.  If you are still reading by this point, I will send you $5.

85.  NOT.

86.  When BeBop and I took a break from trying to get pregnant, I went through a certification program to become a life coach.  Even though it’s not my full time job now, I love it.

87. Sometimes I wonder if one day I’ll become a life coach working with women dealing with infertility issues. I like to look for meaning in the bad things that happen to me, but know that sometimes shit just happens, man.

88. My sister and I have seen the movie Tommy Boy about 100 times.  There is one scene in particular, in a restaurant, that makes us laugh so hard we practically pee ourselves, even though we’ve seen it a million times.

89.  Many people think my sister and I are very weird.

90.  My sister eloped after knowing her now-husband for only two months.  She didn’t tell anyone for almost three months.  He is Mormon. She is not.  We thought they were crazy.  They celebrated their  7th anniversary this past summer. Shows you how much we know.

91. Every January, BeBop and I make what we call our Treasure Maps. They’re collages of pictures and quotes and phrases that we put on our mirrors to look at each day  They represent our dreams, wishes and goals for the coming year.  We’ve had baby pictures on these treasure maps forEVER.

92. Phew.  Home stretch now, baby!

93.  My friends and I like making up nicknames for each other and every other person in our lives.  The girl your boyfriend cheated on you with is called Martini, the pale guy in our condo complex is called Powder, my ex-boyfriend is called Mr. Cruel.  It gives us endless hours of fun to come up with these names.

94.  When my Mom took my sister and I to India two years ago, we were traveling in a taxi to an ashram.  At the same time the driver offered my Mom a mint, she saw a small dog on the side of the road.  When she asked, "what is that?" he thought she was referring to the mint.  So he said, "A mintamintamint" because he was frustrated she didn’t understand his English.  She thought he was pointing to the dog and calling it a "minka."  She kept saying, "A minka??  What kind of animal is THAT?  I’ve never heard of that!"  And my sister and I laughed so hard I thought both of our heads would explode, right there in the taxi.

95.  For the rest of the trip we’d see a dog and shout, "Look, Mom!  A MINKA!!" and laugh and laugh. She would tell us to shut up.

96.  At one point, we were attacked by wild monkeys because they saw we were carrying fruit from the market.  One stood on its hind legs and grabbed my Mom’s skirt WITH HIS TINY LITTLE MONKEY HANDS.  We shrieked in terror and my Mom tried to hit it with the bag.  I threw a banana in the other direction in the hope it would get distracted and run for the banana.  It did.  We still ran away like screaming little girls.  Good times.

97.  I still don’t know what to do with the rest of my life. I look at the following quote each day, and hope it’s true:  "Whatever you are meant to do, move toward it and it will come to you."

98. I really, REALLY want to get pregnant without having to do IVF.  Sometimes I think this is possible, other times I think I’m a raving lunatic.

99.  The raving lunatic part will come as no surprise to you if you’ve read Numbers 1-98. 

100. At the end of a long night of partying, my sister and I would say, "We’re soooooo end of party," meaning it was clearly time to go. 

I think I can safely say: 


One Woman’s Weird Is Another Woman’s CRAZEEE

I have not told you something.

Because it’s too weird.

I know what you’re thinking: Ummmm, Watson?  You are like the WEIRDEST person I’ve ever seen, even weirder than most of the characters in those crazy ‘Lord of the Rings’ movies my husband dragged me to, so what in fricking HELL could be too weird for YOU?!?

And I agree, I have a very…let’s say flexible…definition of what constitutes weird.

You’ve read my posts about seeing psychics and healers and drinking strange unidentifiable herbs fermented in alcohol. And placing drawings of upside-down-martini-glass-like things near the bed.  And the Patron Saint of Infertility.

And how my Mother tapes crystal beads to her body to heal her, and how she hooks me up to polygraph-like machines to heal me.

And while all that might sound strange, I haven’t even told you about the time she locked me in my room when I was about ten because she was convinced I could bend a spoon with my MIND.

Yes.  You read that correctly.


So anyway, I approach the whole idea of weird with a somewhat different perspective.

But this, this thing I haven’t revealed, is odd even for me. 

And here it is…

My acupuncturist thinks I might have been pregnant this last cycle.  For about 3 minutes.  Well, I’m not sure about the 3 minutes part, but isn’t that weird?!?

Here’s what happened.

My period was really late.  Like 4 days late.  Which for me is an eternity.

I used to have a luteal phase of ten days, spot on (pardon the bad pun).  After doing acupuncture and drinking the dreadful heinous herbs, it lengthened (grew? elongated? expanded??) to about 13-14 days and has been like this for the last four months.

At the end of October, I started to spot and then it just stopped. Normally, with the progesterone, I spot for 2-3 days and then my period starts.  This time, a bit of spotting and then it stopped.

My boobs were sore.  They tend to be sore for 4-5 days and then poof!  back to normal the day before my period.  This time, they got sorer and sorer until I was flinging them around the house and mewing like a sick cow. 

And my temperature stayed up for all of these days, which each morning was a total shock.

And…I took a HPT on a Friday.  It seemed negative and since I’m so used to seeing only the blinding white of a results window, I didn’t think twice.  Until I looked again a few minutes later and there was a faint, a verrryyy faint line making a + sign.

It’s an evap line, I thought, and sort of dismissed it.  But of course I took another test about a day later and it was clearly negative, so I chalked the second line up to my imagination, my poor eyesight, general wishful thinking, or perhaps the crank I snorted earlier that day (Kidding!).

My period still did not come, my temperature stayed up and my boobs stayed sore.  And this lasted for another couple of days, which is really, really out of the ordinary.

So when I showed my chart to my acupuncturist, she said she thought that perhaps, just maybe, I might have had an early pregnancy.  That the first test picked up a low level of HCG that went down as the pregnancy didn’t take, which is why subsequent tests came up negative.

Then, my period came and I dismissed the whole thing.  But still.  It’s been nagging at the corners of my mind. 

What if?

What if I was pregnant (or a little pregnant) for a day or two?

What if I can do it again?

I know what you’re thinking:  That IS weird, Watson.  You’ve done lost what was left of your feeble mind!

                                                               *    *    *

On a totally unrelated matter, the lovely Lyrehca tagged me for the five things meme.  And then I remembered that I’d done the six things list a few months ago, over here.  So, I am going to use this as an excuse to do my 100 things, which The Oneliner did recently.  It inspired me! 

Except that hers was insightful and funny, and so far my list is like:

7.  Can I start at seven because I already did six?  Can I?  Thanks.

8.  Hmmmmm…100 seems like a FRICK load from here.

9.  I

10.  Like

11.  Peanut Butter!

12.  And I hate hobos, but that’s well-documented so maybe I shouldn’t include it in this list?

Well, you get the point. 

I will try to work on the rest of the list before I leave to go out of town next week.  BeBop and I are celebrating our 5th anniversary, and LORD KNOWS the fact that we actually made it through the last five years is something to celebrate!

I Am So K-Fed Up!

I am hereby coining a new term:  K-Fed up.

It means BEYOND fed up.  Like, totally DONE.

Much like my little Venti-Double-Mocha-Chip-With-Extra-Whip-Frappucino-toting Britney, I am K-Fed up with all of this fertility testing.

I have been a fairly good sport until now.  I have gone in for blood test after blood test (even that disgusting four hour glucose test but thank GOD I was reading The Da Vinci Code at the time), gamely signed up for an HSG a couple of years ago, and had many ultrasounds with many different doctors.

(Speaking of which, I’m still convinced SOMEONE should be buying me dinner and a movie each time I submit to one of those!  Or least have an open box of wine in the waiting room to get me in the mood! They include condoms and lube and where the fuck is my Chardonnay?  DOES NOT COMPUTE.)

But I digress.

Today was my first in-person appointment with Dr. Z (I am calling him that because I am totally incapable of thinking of anything even remotely clever, his name starts with a ‘Z,’ and he reminds me of that character, Dr. Z, featured in the VW ads.  I know.  Pathetic).

Anyhoo, I went for the ever-delightful CD3 ultrasound so he could get his own look at the alleged cysts.  The actual procedure went well enough. He saw a few, small cysts, which he said indicated a fairly moderate case of PCOS, nothing to really worry about. He said that it looked like I would respond well to the stims if we move forward with IVF in a couple of months.

Then, he suggested they do a blood draw, which I wasn’t planning on doing today.  I knew I had a whole slew of new blood tests to do, he mentioned them to us when we had our phone consult a few weeks ago. So many, in fact, they recommend you do them over several visits.

One particular battery of tests is immunological and go to a special lab in Chicago.  If I go to my regular lab, I am responsible for shipping the vials to the facility myself.  Now I don’t know about you, but the thought of waltzing into my local Pack It! Store with several bottles of my own blood and having to figure out how to overnight them in the right packaging materials without causing a bio hazard emergency just does not appeal to me.

So I agreed to have these tests done today.  There were 5-6 tubes that needed to be filled, usually I get one or two depending on the tests. 

I had not quite done the math, as they say, to figure out that this was not such a great idea:

1.  It was CD3, as in, I am ALREADY bleeding thank you very much, don’t have any to spare!!

2.  I had eaten breakfast, but about two hours before the draw.

3.  I had not had anything to drink today. I have a paralyzing fear of having a full bladder because I always have to stop and find a restroom.  So when I’m going someplace new which entails a drive of over about  10 minutes, I am careful to go easy on the liquids so that I don’t have to stop at a shady gas station to use the loo.  I know.  I am a retard.

4. I guess I had underestimated my outright jubilation and glee at our election results (YEAH!  First female Speaker of the House — you go Nancy Fancy Pants!) and so my judgment in matters of importance was greatly clouded.

So, these factors led me to agree to have the blood drawn and lo and behold, about half-way through the 4th vial I started to feel faint.

As in, "Ummmm…. I don’t feel so good." 


"I am starting to not FEEL SO GOOD…" 


"Okay, are you almost done because I…ACHCGGGGGHHHCKK ^&&%&%&&%&SHSJAJ…"

And then?

And then I fainted.


I got the full court press with the smelling salts, ice packs, frantic nurses scurrying around and taking my blood pressure and asking me if I knew where I was. Then, once I started coming to, I was seized by the most painful menstrual cramps known to woman. I don’t usually get cramps, so holy Mother of God I was keeled over clutching my lower abdomen, whimpering in pain like an injured rodent, even before I could really feel my hands or feet.

Oh lord, what a GREAT first impression I made!!

It was a nightmare. 

They tried some sugary liquid and then apple juice and that made me almost vomit, I had ice packs smeared all over my forehead (creating an entirely new category of Bad Hair Day!) and heat packs on my stomach and some M&Ms and the blood pressure cuff on my arm and I was barely cogent through most of this.

Finally, after about 45 minutes, I felt strong enough to go downstairs and snarf a bagel as fast as you could say "Where the FRICK is my husband when I need him??!!" and after about another 30 minutes I felt good enough to drive myself home, quickly change into a dressing gown, fling myself upon my brocade chaise lounge in the bed chamber and fan myself, trying to rid myself of the vapors.

Well, really I changed into sweats and a fleece sweatshirt and threw myself on our couch where I could watch TiVo all afternoon, but that other picture sounds much more dignified.

It’s been about five hours since my little drama, and I still feel like crap.

So I do declare, I am K-Fed up with all of this poking and prodding and wanding and blood testing.


Have Some Lemon Juice With That Paper Cut

Or, Why I Should Never, Ever, Under Any Circumstances, Answer The Phone When Caller ID Shows It’s My Mother Calling.

But, like a MORON, I did indeed answer the phone last night. 


What is wrong with me?!?

My Mother, per usual, had plenty of annoying and irritating helpful and constructive suggestions for me.

Had I seen The Key Master lately? she inquired.

"He reminded me the other day about your cold womb and thinks it would help if you came once a week," she offered helpfully.

"Uh, Mom?  Between the doctor’s appointments and the acupuncture and boiling that tea and seeing the chiropractor and now doing physical therapy for my repetitive stress injury, I just don’t have time to see him every week."

"Hhhmmppff," she answered, clearly not pleased.  "Well, maybe you can go Saturday mornings?" she suggested.

What I thought:  Why yes, that sounds just great!  After working a long week the FIRST thing I feel like doing on a Saturday morning is being groped by a tiny Korean man with his tiny fingers and tiny hands and all that belching.


What I said:  "Why yes, maybe I could try that…"

And then she asked me, for the seventeenth MILLION time, "are you sure you drank those three bottles of herbs that Sadie the Haitian psychic recommended?"

"Yes, I drank them months ago," I reassured her.  To be more specific, I did in fact drink some of this concoction before I regained my tenuous grasp on reality and asked myself what in the frigging hell was I doing?!?

Apparently, my Mom spoke with this psychic who of course came very highly recommended (she gave a GREAT reading to one of her best friends, warning that her new husband could be extremely dangerous because he was a spy or some crazy thing!) and this woman told my Mom that both my sister and I had cold wombs.  Of course, this is about the gazillionth time I’ve heard this.

This woman Sadie has a daughter living in Brooklyn and she had to purchase this tincture for us, sending it to California.  Supposedly, this was a magical elixir and had worked for HUNDREDS of women producing HUNDREDS of babies over the years!

What was this tincture, you ask?  I have no idea.  It had some herbs in it, preserved in this dark brown liquid of an alcoholic nature that was about 100 proof.  It turned into a thick, brown sludge and tasted like the strongest shot of JagerMeister you’d ever had in your life.  It was vile.

But I did, in fact, try it because there are times I’m desperate and figure, well why not?  If it’s a somewhat natural substance (herbs, people, herbs are natural!) then why not?

Then, of course, good sense wormed its way back into my tiny brain and forced me to reconsider this plan.  I drank part of one bottle and dumped the rest, gagging at the nuclear waste-like sludge collecting at the bottom of the glass bottles.

But I lied and said I drank all of it, and so did my sister who was included in this little experiment because, according to Sadie, she has a cold womb too.

But this has come back to haunt me, because last night my Mother reminded me that my sister drank the herbs (which she didn’t) and now SHE is pregnant (which she is).

And I, obviously, am not.

Which was super fun to be reminded about, as you can imagine. 

Because I had forgotten. 

I had completely forgotten that I am not pregnant.  Just slipped my mind. I guess even though I had cramps and was expecting my period any second, I got so caught up in last night’s Ugly Betty storyline, what with her Marlo Thomas, That Girl attitude and comical braces and exaggerated bushy eye brows and that kicky poncho she sports, well, I had just completely and totally FORGOTTEN that I am not pregnant.

Thankfully, my Mother was right there to remind me.



Bitter as that vile herbal tincture I obviously should have ingested, because if I had I’d probably have twelve little brats running screaming through the kitchen about now…

Kill. Me. Now.

Stomach Ache?  

Actually, no.  You’re going into labor DILLWEED.

"Amanda Brisendine attributed the 30 pounds she gained in the past year to an abandoned smoking habit and rich food…"

Can you imagine?