My Mother Would Be So Proud

So Jax had his first experience with alternative healing methods a couple of days ago…and I know what you’re thinking:  SWEET!  Way to totally perpetuate the California/Bay Area stereotype of the crazy, hippy-dippy New Age parent.

Was it crystal therapy, chakra balancing, Rebirthing, Reiki or a crazed body worker who set up shop in my parents’ house, you ask? What about the life pod, did you send him to the  Sedona life pod??

Why no, but thank you just the same for inquiring…

It was cranial sacral therapy, actually.  And compared to most of the stuff I’ve experienced (see above healing modes plus various Russian hands-on healers, psychic surgeons, herbal remedies, magnets and waaaaaaay too many other crazy things to mention), cranial sacral therapy isn’t really that ALTERNATIVE at all!

I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this, but Jackson has a flat head.  Not flat like FLAT, like some weird cartoon character or something.  Not like he has a poker chip perched on the top of his neck.  But the back right quadrant of his head is pretty flat, like he has a big dent in his head.

"We can call him Dent-in-the-Head," my Mother helpfully suggested when I pointed it out to her.

Perhaps he was positioned oddly in utero or perhaps he just favors that side for no reason in particular, but he always sleeps with his head slightly cocked to the right, and when he’s in the swing or the car seat, he does the same thing.

At his two month appointment I discussed it with his pediatrician and she suggested we start with repositioning.  That turned out to be easier said than done.  So at four months, with a still pretty pronounced slope, I decided to take him in again and see what she thought.

She’s a pretty holistic doctor, so she wanted us to try cranial sacral therapy and possibly chiropractic as well. So off we went to his first appointment and I have to say, he LOVED it.

He loved the shit out of that session.

The therapist had him lie on his back on a massage table and just very gently placed her hands behind his back.  She barely made any movements, so whatever she was doing it was very gentle.

Jackson just kept staring right into her eyes and smiling and making all these cooing sounds.  "Uh, huh, hmmmm…tell me all about it…" she kept saying to him and to my utter surprise, he would ‘answer’ her with these little murmurs.  He does not normally do this, by the way.

Parker is way more verbal, she’ll just chatter away (about what? Oh you know, just normal baby talk stuff like the  sub-prime mortgage crisis and the recent demonstrations here to get China out of Tibet and why, for a delicate little flower of a girl, she cuts the loudest farts in the history of mankind…just the YOOOGE), but Jackson rarely chirps on and on like he was doing.

"What’s he saying?" I asked, hoping to get some dramatic insight into my young son’s psyche like why he won’t frigging sleep beyond 3 AM without one of us shoving the paci in his gaping maw or why he loves me soooo much more than Daddy.  (Just kidding.)

"Oh, he’s just chatting," she said vaguely, as if protecting the ‘doctor’ – patient confidentiality clause.  Which sort of annoyed me but whatever.

Then she had me hold him and she worked on his head, and by God within about three seconds he was sound asleep.  It was pretty crazy.  And then?  On the way home in the car seat he held his flat head TOTALLY STRAIGHT for the first time EVER!

Since then he’s reverted a little back to his old tricks, often turning his head back to the right even after we reposition him or make sure the toy is hanging from the play mat to his left or shoving a cloth diaper under one side of the swing’s head rest to force him to keep it straight. 

But I’ll take him back next week and I’m hoping after a few sessions it gets better. 

Either that or he shows an amazing talent for growing REALLY thick hair.




SO WHAT?  I have a flat head. What’s so bunny about THAT?!?


OH MY.  My brother had to wear this outfit to cover up his sloping head issue — I just wore it because it’s so damn cute. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

They Might Look Cute, But They Are Clearly Plotting My Demise

Four month sleep regression, anyone?


Head hitting keyboard.  Too tired to write a plea for help with said sleep problems, but that is coming soon.

And I expect you all to provide sage advice that will immediately alter the Evil Babies’ Plot To Kill Mommy Through Sleep Deprivation.



All bunny and gansta style


"Tastes like FEET!"


Will be displayed for prom dates one day….

Rookie Mistake


You’ll Want To Stage A Britney-Style Intervention After Reading This Mess Of A Post


A Year Ago Did I Think I’d Be Blogging About Binkies??  HELLS NO.

So before I bore you to absolute tears with stories of how sucky it is to be back at work, and how I cried for three days straight, let me tell you that I have decided to write a book entitled Momming By Mistake.

It will be all about how you (and by "You" I mean "Me") learn how to be a Mom by making mistakes. 

So far this is what I have written (and if you know any editors for sure forward this along because I’m, like, totally sure there will be a huge bidding war for the manuscript):

Chapter 1

Whenever you leave the house with two babies in tow, TAKE THE MOTHER EFFING DIAPER BAG YOU RETARD. 

The End.

Yesterday we went to an event held by the Fabulous Dr Z (and by God, FAITH, if you all attended and didn’t tell me I will cry (yet another) river of tears!) held at a local convention center. It was for all of his patients and I guess they hold this event each year, inviting hundreds of parents (with their hundreds of kids) who have, with Dr. Z’s help, successfully conceived.

There were so many twins there it was a bit of a freak show and of course I mean that in the nicest way.

When we finally got to say hello to him, I thought he would say something along the lines of, "Embryo 3 and Embryo 8, how LOVELY to see you again! My how you’ve grown!" but no such luck.

And anyhoo, I was so frantic to get out the door, we were halfway there before I realized, HOLY SHIT I brought my purse but no diaper bag!  What I am, a new Mom?

Oh. Yeah. I am a new Mom. I have NO earthly idea what I’m doing the vast majority of the time.

But I still felt like a jerk and my thought process went something like this:  No diaper bag.  DAMN.  It would’ve totally matched with this kicky pink sweater I’m wearing.  Hmmmmm.  No diapers.  Oh well, we won’t be staying long.  No burp clothes.  Oh well, they’ll have napkins there.  No….OH SWEET JESUS NO BINKIES.  WE ARE SO TOTALLY SCREWED. 

(Cue quaking hands and flop sweat.)


Then I remembered I had shoved an emergency bag in the back seat, just in case. Just in case what?  You ask.  Just in case we get trapped in the snow, actually.  Oh!  Does it snow there? You ask.  Well, No.  It doesn’t. But my post partum depression is clouding my brain and I can’t think straight and at some point in the last few weeks, it sounded like a good idea to pack an emergency bag with diapers, some blankets, packets of powered formula, a couple of cloth diapers and a package of two break-open-in-case-of-emergency pacifiers.

So, thankfully, we had the binkies with us just in case and even more thankfully we didn’t have to use them.  The babies slept most of the time, although Jax did wake up and take one quick look around the crowded, loud room filled with hundreds of people not to mention clowns, magicians and several people making unidentifiable balloon sculptures and almost lost his shit.

I think it was, either I start crying bloody murder because where the fuck are we or, on second thought, let’s just shut the peepers and pretend it’s all a bad dream.

Jackson and Parker were thrilled with their souvenir onesies that said, My Parents Spent $30,000 To Have Me And All I Got Was This Fricking Balloon Animal.

Just kidding.

Moving on…

The babies did wake up in time for their photo opp with Dr. Z and I swear, when we stood there next to him, after he gave us all a big hug, I wanted to weep with joy.  And I know, it’s the PPD talking, but Good Lord I love that man.  I do.

I would run away with him and have babies with him if I wasn’t 1) already fairly happily married; 2) totally done being pregnant forever and forever. But the point IS I love him that much and can you imagine the SWEET discount I’d get on any future rounds of IVF?!?

But that’s all beside the point. What is the point?  I can’t honestly remember at this point.  GAWD.  Could I say ‘point’ any more??!  POINT POINT POINT.

I would write about transitioning back to work, and how I’m not handling it well at all, but now I actually have to get some WORK done so I can’t.


Momma’s Gotta Bring Home Le Bacon

Sweet Jesus if I could have preserved all the tears I cried yesterday in a bucket and somehow desalinated them, I could single-handedly solve our state’s water crisis. 

For years to come.

Today is my first day back at work. And I.AM.MISERABLE.

I know…waaahhh-fuckin’-waaaahhhh. I DID get a full four months off, what with three and-a-half weeks of bed rest followed by a generous three-month maternity leave.  So I shouldn’t complain.

But of course I am going to.

I have to work.  I am still the main breadwinner (bacon-bringing-homer?) and I make more than we’re paying our nanny, so I absolutely have to work.  Full time.  Unless, of course, we want to sell our house and move in with my parents but then I risk the babies being exposed to various healing crystals, life pods and being asked repeatedly if they remember their past lives. And that would all be in the FIRST DAY.

So off to work I went, after crying for literally the entire day and half the night yesterday. "Allergies," I sniffed when I walked in red-eyed this morning.

I know this is a dilemma so many of us face.  So many Moms work full time and somehow, make it work.  I only hope I can be one of them.

Is it bad that I have stared longingly at photos of Jackson and Parker most of the day or checked our Flickr site about a billion times?  IS IT?!?

On one season of…of that show? You know the one? The reality show about the contestants that race around the…OH YEAH The Amazing Race! (See:  baby brain in action.)  So on one season of The Amazing Race, two of the contestants were Moms, and they kicked ass in a challenge where you had to put some crap together (and I KNOW, what a detailed and thrilling story so far, Watson, why we’re just pleased as punch we checked out your blog today!) but anyway, they put these things together in record time and the host asked, incredulous, "How did you do that?"

They responded:  "We’re Moms.  WE CAN DO ANYTHING!"

And I loved these middle-aged women, with their Mom jeans and tennis shoes and t-shirts with hokey sayings printed across the front and I thought, I want to be a Mom.  I want to be able to do anything.

I want to be able to come to work without crying and feeling like I cut a giant, gaping hole in my chest each morning and left my heart at home.

Without ingesting large quantities of gin on my way to the office each morning, will I be able to cope with this change?

Stay tuned.