Mommy = Lamest Lame Ass Around

Starting to talk & write in Twitter shorthand all the time now.  Concerned that every conversation has only 140 character limit.  Cannot have normal discussion.  Most likely music to BeBop's ears b/c I can't ramble on like usual.

I mean, how many times can we have the same fight about when he watches the twins he has to WATCH THEM.  WITH HIS EYES.  His x-ray vision is not so hot these days and so 'watching them' from the office while catching up on the score of the Eagles game doesn't really work.  And how many times can we argue about the size of the pieces of food we're feeding them now?

Me: "They'll choke to death! Pea-sized. PEA-SIZED!!" 

Dorkus: [Returning from freezer with mysterious, small green object in hand] "This is a pea!  This is pea-sized!" 

Me: "NO. Petite pea-sized don'tyouknowanythingyoumoron?"

Apparently, you can have the same fight about all of that stuff approximately 100,977,883,332,778,800,000 times.

Work is so, so busy.  And I have to say, I'm even less competent than I normally am on the home front (WHA? We're out of baby food? Who the fricking frick is supposed to buy those kids some food? OH YEAH. ME. Because apparently husband is totally unable to drag his ass to the store to buy various jars of mashed and pureed items. RIGHT.)

And I'm still descending to Dante's Ninth Circle of Hell (is that right? Seventh? Ninth? At any rate ONE OF THE BAD ONES) going to boot camp, but now only three days a week because, seriously?  I need a day to recover.  I get to work and hobble around all day, incessantly complaining, saying things like, "Oh my aching back" and "GAWD, my feet are killing me" and "I think my hip is out."  Really.  I say stuff like that all the time.  I'm old, people, really, really old.

I was going to sit here at my desk, take a short break and compose a beautiful and heartfelt letter to the twins. I skipped month eight and since we're rapidly approaching ten months (!!) I was hoping to have the chance to transcribe my thoughts on everything that's been happening to them over the last couple of months. All of the fantastic strides they're making, each and every day, on their way to growing up and becoming Citizens of the World. To preserve these memories forever.  To detail my motherly love and tell them how it grows and blossoms each and every day like a lovely lily…but truly? Fuck that. I just don't have the time.

Maybe I'll Twitter them:  @Jax&Parkie Love you, mean it. You 2 r the bomb. Eating like champs, now crawling.  Mama's so proud.  Smell ya later.  Really, I will smell you later.

Or?  I'll just include some photos and put that letter back in the To-Do file.

Jax pumpkin patch 

Parkie pumpkin patch

We love Fall, even in California where you barely notice it. But what a great photo opp, huh? And Parkie adds, thank God my freakin' hair is finally coming in, it's about DAMN time.

Obama 1

A change is coming and I'm not talkin' about my diaper!

Obama 2

People, I am truly concerned about this election. And truthfully, I'm concerned that a certain Vice Presidential candidate got her first passport in 2006 and has visited just four countries. I just cannot see how this might bode well for a more positive image for the United States in the eyes of the international community.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    


Parks Zoolander 

Dudes!  That just got, like, sooooo heavy! We're just going to practice our Zoolander moves and try to ignore the crumbling US economy.


  1. I’m pretty sure I’ve never constructed a heartfelt letter to either of my kids, although maybe I should consider it. Maybe then they’d put me in a good home when I’m old. Who knows?

  2. I’ve only got one kid and still haven’t managed a heartfelt letter either. So you’re in good (well, lame, but… well, maybe just lame) company.
    And speaking of kids. Oh my god the cuteness. I must go and die of cuteness now. Smell ya later.

  3. Fantastic update. And so awesome that you stuck with Boot Camp. Let me tell you how much it’ll be worth it–today, after three months of triathlon training, a year and a half after having Baby L, I went clothes shopping and bought tops that scream Yummy Mummy. And they don’t look half bad. You are so there with me, aren’t you?

  4. Boot camp. I’m still shaking my head at you on that one. Crazy!
    The kids are FLIPPING ADORABLE. Seriously. I mean those last two pics? LOVELINESS WRAPPED IN LOVELY!
    I’m a republican (I KNOW! I KNOW! I’m young, right? Whatever, it’s true!) so I’ll agree to disagree with you on the election (though yes, concerned a little…the choices…they sort of SUCK.). 🙂
    Don’t feel bad about not getting to the letter. Seriously. I’m always happy to jsut get the baby books up to date! lol!

  5. you are awesome.
    i love these photos, especially with the obama shirts.
    i’m afraid too.

  6. They are so adorable! They almost seem like little people…okay so they are little people…but seriously they are adorable little people. I love the “fall” pics. I guess it’s too early for your little people to vote yet eh? We could really use all the votes we can get at this point.

  7. DUDE! Where did you get the baby Obama shirts? I suppose if I order some now they won’t be here until after the election, but I still want one.
    Oh, kids cute 2. 😉

  8. Honestly, I can’t get over how beautiful the babies are!! WOW.
    If my own household is an indication, the same fights over things like not turning off the lights when he leaves, not putting the spreadable butter back in the fridge when he is done using it so that the cat can’t get into it, and allowing the guest room to turn into an explosion of polo shirts and kacki pants can happen approximately 5,307,500 times – give or take a few. So I hear your pain!!
    As for the election, I still can’t process how anyone – and I mean anyone – could support such a hypocritical and low-level politician for VP. How can one be a “right-wing” woman when she walks away from a teenage daughter about to give birth and a 3 month-old baby with Down’s? If she were a Democrat, she would be CRUCIFIED. Literally. It makes me crazy. The only relief has come from Tina Fey’s skits. They help me to believe that Americans really are too smart to make yet ANOTHER mistake in their choice of President. Haven’t we learned enough from all of the foibles and disasters faciliated by the goofy man pretending to be a great leader? I know, I know, that remains to be seen.
    The goofiest part is that I can’t wait to tell my son about the fascinating time he was born in (which will hopefully have a positive outcome.) And I plan to take him to vote with me in November. I am already excited to wrap him up, pop him in the stroller, and walk to the polling place down the street. How many kids can say they voted so soon after leaving the womb? Most people I know would reply “who friggin cares?” But I am a political scientist and former government worker so what can anyone expect???

  9. Oh geez! Those babies are just all kinds of gorgeous! And nice job on the hair Parker 🙂
    As far as the amount of times you can have the same fight with your husband, ESPECIALLY regarding baby stuff? In my own personal experience, the record is somewhere around 5 frillion at this point…and E is only 5 months old. Ahem.
    And I know what you mean about twitter – I’ve started actually using all the teeny bopper shortened lingo to fit entire thoughts into the character limit.
    Gt2go4now, b back. Thx.
    Ali out.

  10. oh just love those pictures, they are just TOO gorgeous!! let parker know, at 11 months piper still doesn’t have hair really, despite the fact that when anyone else calls her baldie i yell back “OH YES SHE MOST CERTAINLY DOES JUST YOU LOOK AT THIS ONE RIGHT HERE! AND HERE! AND THIS ONE HERE IS GETTING QUITE LONG!”
    and where do you find baby obama t shirts???

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