3rd Beta = Good, Little Sister = Not So Good

So first things first, my third Beta came back at 7589 (and my progesterone is still up at 418) so that was a relief, to put it mildly!  I know we still have a looooooong way to go, but it’s certainly nice to get some reassuring news every once in a while.

My first ultrasound is next weekend and then I have my Killer Cells re-tested in another three weeks, and hopefully all goes well on those fronts.

In the meantime, I’m cramming the Metformin, thyroid (which I need to increase) and Prednisone down my gullet like they’re Skittles.

In terms of Symptom Watch 2007 [duhn duhn duhn…] there is nothing new to report.  I’m still suffering an acute case of Bologna Boobs Syndrome. I apologize to everyone who either didn’t know what bologna was, and thus had NO freaking clue what the hell I was talking about; to those who were eating lunch at the time they were reading that post (and possibly threw up a little in their mouths); and, finally, to those of you who actually like bologna and now can no longer eat it, haunted by images of my enlarged aerolas as you try to chomp on a bologna-and-mayo-on-white bread sammy.

But you know what?  Bologna and mayo on white bread aren’t all that healthy anyway, so perhaps I did you a favor.  Ever think of it that way??

Oscar Mayer Beef Bologna, 8 oz

Moving on…

So news in the Watson household yesterday is that I think the ultra-fabulous Oneliner was correct when she guessed my Mother was not, in fact, undergoing some miracle treatment in the Life Pod but rather was smoking Peyote on her trip to Sedona. I think she’s in some sweat lodge, smoking Peyote, going on a mental walk-a-bout vision quest thing and I can tell you one thing for sure: it’s doing NOTHING to increase her nurturing capabilities.

My younger sister is 31 weeks pregnant, and just found out yesterday that she has to be on modified bed rest because her blood pressure is way up.  Thankfully, the baby is fine.  But she needs to go in twice a week for stress tests to monitor him, and in the meantime, stay at home in bed or on the couch.  She can still work on her laptop, which is good because she owns her own business and not working at all would really cause her stress.

My poor sister called me hysterical yesterday, sobbing into the phone, worried about the baby and possibly having to deliver early.  Also, she has nothing – nothing – ready for him.  She was supposed to fly up here this weekend for two baby showers, and was hoping she’d get stuff from her registry.  Because she was waiting for the parties, besides ordering the furniture which hasn’t arrived yet, she hasn’t bought a thing. So needless to say, she was completely freaked out about having the baby early and not being ready at all.

Because my Mother is in Arizona and scheduled to fly back today, and because last time I checked Arizona was perilously close to Southern California where my sister lives, I made the suggestion that perhaps my Mom fly there instead of coming home and help my sister out for a few days.

"ARE YOU CRACKED?" was my Mother’s response.

Honestly, she acted as if I asked her to lay a golden egg out of her own asshole, hatch it into a goose and FLY it to Orange County.  She responded as if my idea was seriously the most outlandish suggestion EVER uttered from one human being to another since the Dawn of Time.

The Life Pod Peyote Sweat Lodge of Sedona is doing nothing to improve her maternal instincts.

A few years ago, she would laugh and say, "Since going through menopause, I’ve decided to give up the nurturing, mothering parts.  You brats are on your own."

Of course, being the bitchy little snot understanding daughter that I am, I would roll my eyes dramatically and respond, "Errrrrr…WHEN exactly was your nurturing period?  I think I must have been on vacation.  I missed that era."

And that would devolve into her You Ungrateful Brats Speech #375A.

But I digress.  The bottom line is that my Mom is beyond frustrating and my sister is on bed rest.  And although I really didn’t want to fly during the first trimester (just one of My Things, you know?) I will be making a trip to LA in the next couple of weeks to help her get settled and ready for the baby.

Good grief!  With genes like this I’m getting nervous, people.

Let’s hope the Un-Mothering Gene isn’t passed down from one generation to the next.


  1. You mom sounds like my MIL. She wouldn’t know how to nuture even if you shot her up with 30,000 cc’s of Nature’s Nurture Juice. Yeah and I’m sure a Peyote PowWow wouldn’t have much effect either. It would just make her bitchiness more mellow.
    Glad that beta’s high. And you’re an awesomest sister.

  2. “Yay!” for the great beta. “UGH! for the wacky mom stuff. And “Oh crap!” for your poor sister. (And “WaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” to the whole bologna boobs thing.)
    I agree with Adrienne; you’re an awesome sister. (And an equally awesome blog buddy. Thanks for your kind comment on my last howl. It meant a lot…)

  3. Congrats!! Again and Again! I nearly peed myself reading your post. Thankfully I know all about what they put into that stuff, so would never touch it in a million years.

  4. Great news with your beta. And I hope your sister will be okay! Your posts always crack me up, keep them coming!

  5. I am certainly happy to hear that things are going well with your pregnancy – even including the resemblance to baloney!
    So sorry to hear about your sister and your mother’s inability to even feign interest in being nurturing! It often amazes me just how many basic mothering thoughts and emotions simply escape my mother. I sear I can here thoughts like “Advocate for my two relatively well-adjusted daughters? Why would I do that when THEY can advocate for ME?” when sitting next to her.
    I know how painful and endlessly disappointing that is. We can only hope that the Pey0te has a delayed effect!

  6. Ah, but the un-mothering gene is recessive, so those who do not express it should pass on their genes!
    Greats news on the beta!

  7. Wow on the beta. I wonder how many you have in there.
    If your sister can do stuff on her laptop, couldn’t she just order everything online and have it delivered to her. Or for that matter, you could order things online from your couch and have them sent to her. I know you are probably just too nice to do that, but if you really don’t want to fly, you do have options.

  8. Your poor sister, bedrest is so totally miserable. Perhaps they can manage the blood pressure and then she can resume normal activity, that happened to my SIL. How disappointing to not be able to go to her showers! I hope she gets loads of gifts anyway.

  9. I was on bedrest for 13 weeks with a 14 month old (yes I am one of those annoying women that adopted and them got a pregnancy that decided to stick around) locked in a room with me…what fun! Your sis will do great she is in the home stretch.
    I would definately do online ordering! OR, whoever was giving the shower could give a shout out to the guests and the folks could head to their post offices and mail the shower packages to her…it would give her something to do while “resting”…besides for the first few weeks the baby only needs some onesies and a couple blankets. I had so much crap that never even got used.

  10. Sounds like you’ll be ok, Watson, on the mothering gene front.

  11. Watson – How did I miss this news?? It was more than a week ago… Damn you Bloglines, damn you to hell!!
    Congratulations! I am so rapt for you!

  12. Dear Watson, I’m glad about your beta and progesterone numbers, and hoping your immune system behaves itself. As for your apologies about the bologna aversion you have brought on — that’s OK, I’ve gone over to raw-eggs-and-spam-in-aspic sandwiches anyway.
    I’m sorry about your sister. That must be so frightening for her. You’re a doll for going out there to help her. And please don’t worry about flying in the first trimester…
    As for your mother, I’m just kinda shaking my head.

  13. Yipppeee about the beta!!!
    And you are up for sainthood girl…don’t think you have to worry about inheriting the unurturing mother gene!
    all the best to your sis!

  14. I know, I’m way late – but CONGRATULATIONS!! I’m so freaking happy for you two!

  15. great news about the third beta, and all my best to your sister! hopefully your mom will come out of the peyote den and go help her out!

  16. Hi,
    I’ve been popping in and out of your blog for the past few weeks and thoroughly enjoy reading it. I think you have such a GREAT sense of humor and being IF definitely requires it. I’m glad that you beta came back well and am hoping for more great news for you for the next nine months. I would like to invite you to read my blog, Life is Beautiful (it is pwp).
    PS- the bologna section was absolutely hilarious!!!!

  17. your beta news is GREAT…I am so happy that things are going the GOOD WAY.
    Um, bologna and mayo on white bread is manna from the gods, it’s seriously as good as pizza…isn’t it? No matter what you compare it to I cannot give it up!
    I am sorry about your sister and give you big props for flying out to see her and get her ready. Your mom will notice the error of her ways when she is not smoke induced, but what you are doing is good and right for sister. I hope she does ok.

  18. All the best to you and sis.

  19. I’m never eating Bologna again. Damn you.
    Hey, where are you? Been a few days. Also, you’ve blatantly ignored my e-mail, which stings my ego.

  20. thanks for calling me ultra fab…i am. j/k. i’m ultra NOT funny.
    sorry ’bout the sis. hopefully, she’ll be ok, i bet she will. it’s sweet of you to offer to help her. although, is it ok to have THAT many hormones in one place? maybe its the two of you who need the peyote?

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