Someone Had A Baby!

And NO, it’s not me silly bears! 

But wouldn’t that be funny?

I mean, not funny ha ha, but funny weird as in:  I have somehow secured a rip in the space/time continuum and have undergone IVF AND gestated a baby all in the span of time since my last post.

GAWD.  That would awesome. 

But wait!  This is not about ME!

Her most fabulousness, Momo, went and had herself a BABY! 

Welcome Baby Benjamin!!

So head on over there to wish her well.


  1. I am delurking here to tell you that you have got to be the funniest person ever! So if you see hours of time from a state agency in a state that starts with W, that is me reading all of your blog, and from work no less as that is just how exciting my job is on a Friday.
    Can I be your friend? 😉

  2. well, if someone could have a baby in an hour…i’d place my bets on you.

  3. Oneliner:
    Yes, I forgot to blog about how my Mom finally contributed something worthwhile to my IF plight and found a healer/shaman/guru who can manifest a healthy pregnancy AND a real live baby all in the span of ONE hour.
    It just slipped my mind to share that with y’all 🙂

  4. I wish her congrats too.
    And is it me, or is everyone in IF blogland popping one out just now?
    Must be just me.
    (I mean, just me thinking that, not me just popping out one. I may have a blackhead I can pop out, but that’s all the liberating going on at my house.)

  5. That would be so cool if you could do that, and then tell all of us how you did it so we can do it too!

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