A Little Farther Away From The Edge, Thank GAWD!

*So I started this post like a million years ago, but Typepad's new version is just sooooo SLLLOOOOOWWWWW, and it is literally driving me MAD.

And as we all know:  that is NOT a long trip.

Because I know you sweet, sweet dears are just sitting around wondering what in the H-E-double hockey sticks is happening around here (har har), here is a half-finished post that I will complete once this damn conversion has taken place and I can actually type more than 1 letter every three or four minutes!!


It easily could have gone either way.

Either I was going to start feeling better…

Or I was headed for a custom-fitted, kicky little (very TIGHT) strappy white jacket.  (If you know what I mean and Ithinkthatyoudo.)

Thankfully, I am feeling better.  P to the HEW.

I have a long way to go, but each day I notice I'm not quite as anxious and things don't seem as overwhelming and end-of-the-worldy.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still several Ritz short of a box of crackers, but I'm better.

It couldn't have come at a better time because since we started the babies on solid foods a couple of weeks ago their schedule has been in total flux, and the idea of any change was SO hard for me to tackle I literally would have had a major meltdown – or TWENTY - if we had started a new schedule a few weeks ago.

So needless to say, I heart Lexapro. I want to send it a note after gym class, asking if it wants to be my date for the upcoming Sadie Hawkins dance, THAT'S how much I love it.

In other news, I had a reading from a psychic last weekend. 

(Because that's what we do in California, THAT'S WHY.)

It was at the same woman's house as http://mydearwatson.typepad.com/my_dear_watson/2007/01/index.htm

[Dear Typepad:  In general I love you, but today you are creating such major SUCKITUDE it's not even funny.  For some reason links appear like this, see above full URL instead of some clever wording I'm sure I would have somehow come up with.  What is your damage Typepad, WHAT IS YOUR DAMAGE???]

She had a very strong Australian accent and it took me a few minutes to get the hang of it.

"I see your major problem is nuhves,"  she said after looking at my outstretched palm.

"Nuhves?" I asked.  Was that bad??  I wondered.  That's ALL I need, NUVHES!  So THIS was my prob — wait, WHAT did she say?

"Nuhves! N-E-R-V-E-S!" She added helpfully.

"Oh, yes!  That is my problem," I confirmed for her.

And even though nuhves continue to be one of my issues, I am doing better.  And we're off tomorrow night to the same party we went to this time last year:  A screening of the new Pix.ar movie followed by a black tie party in San Francisco.

Thankfully, I am somewhat smaller and a lot less furry this time around.

At least I got THAT goin' for me.


  1. Ok, I’ve got my own “TWO BABIES, ONE (INTERNET-LOVIN’) MOMMY!” moment happening here, but I just had to say that I’m so glad things are looking up. Of course, it’s after Memorial Day, so the white jacket would have been fine and you could even have worn white shoes to match!
    Now, if I ever see another post from you without pictures I’m going to come down there and make you wish you’d been sequestered in a padded room somewhere…

  2. I am glad you are doing better. Lexapro kicks some serious anxious ass. I started taking it recently, and I heart it.

  3. Well, I’m glad that your case of “nuhves” is being helped by the Lexapro. It’s certainly done wonders for my husband!
    Enjoy your night out!

  4. It’s been one hell of a ride for you, and I’m glad to hear things are looking up for you a bit more. Enjoy your party. You deserve to have some fun!

  5. sweets, hope you are feeling MUCH better and the party was fun. Sounds like the reason we all Heart Lexapro is because it works 🙂

  6. Hope you and Lexapro keep getting along so well and the nuhves stay calm for a good bit.

  7. Hope you are hanging in there … our blog name/address changed and I wanted to give it to you!

  8. I think you will understand this when I say that the thought of going off of citalopram literally scares me to death. Life before that drug was, well, not really LIFE, if you know what I mean. Constant worry. Constant anxiety. Constant DARK thoughts about what could and IS going wrong with EVERYTHING. If I spilled juice in the morning, I would beat myself up all day about it and maybe even the next day. I was sometimes (often) nearly paralyzed by fear of doing the “wrong thing.”
    So when my RE, who we all know I love, expressed concern that I intended to stay on my AD throughout my pregnancy, I started crying. I almost begged “please no.” Instead, I explained that I had spent months researching the issue before we started TTC (even putting off trying until I finished my work), even reading a book by the acclaimed expert on the topis (A Deeper Shade of Blue: A Woman’s Guide to Recognizing and Treating Depression in Her Childbearing Years by Ruta Nonacs) and talking to two OB/GYNs – who all advise that the risks are minimal and the benefits are worth it. When I saw my new OB I was nervous even bringing up the topic but she agreed 100% that I should stay on it and on the same dose that has been working for me for over 2 years.
    Ok, you wanted to know all about me, didn’t you?? 🙂 Seriously, though, I am an advocate of ADs when used carefully and for the right reasons. I tried so many alternatives for YEARS – 2 different kinds of therapy, herbs, “positive thinking” techniques – and nothing worked like citalopram. And for people who say therapy can work instead. HA! I do that too and have for many years. Granted, I may still fall into the “f*cked up category,” but the combo of drugs and therapy have enhanced my life beyond comprehension.
    I shared this to demonstrate my 200% support for your choice and am so relieved to hear that the medication is working for you. The effects will be gradual but they will eventually add up to a significant difference. You DO NOT deserve to be tortured and miserable!!!

  9. Dont you know that in Orstralia we dont have NERVES we have NUHVES. I’d completely forgotten. Sometimes I meet a smarmy posh English person and they remind me I have an accent…otherwise I forget.
    Hurrah for drugs! That’s all I can say.
    In France I swear 70% of the people I know are or have at some time been on them, and trust me I dont move in particularly bizzare circles. You’d take a painkiller for a broken tooth wouldn’t you??
    What else did the clairvoyant say???

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