So I’ve Upped My Meds….Again

Anyone still out there?
Helloooooo!!! [echoes]
Probably not, what with all these cobwebs around here. This place has gone to shit since I've been busy working, being in charge of the care and feeding of two three-year olds (I know, people, I know! When the fricking frick did THAT happen?) plus I've had an out-of-work husband for like two years now and so on and so on.
Now you know why I haven't been blogging…snoozeville!
Anyhoo, I am launching a new venture and while I'm working on it, I've decided to start tweeting again.
And you can find me here:
And no, it won't be any more interesting, intelligent or insighful. Just the same old Watson drivel. But thank you for asking.
But seriously, HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU guys?????


  1. Hi Watson!!! I had given up hope, and am thrilled to hear from you. I could actually just cut and paste your post, minus the twitter part and changing two three-year-olds to one, and adding that the unemployed husband is also in school, thus leaving me all evening child care duties and that would pretty much describe my life. It’s all good, though.

  2. Hey! Glad to see you are there and doing well! We’re just about to do the 3 yr old thing too, with only 1, but we just added a newborn. Busy, busy, right?

  3. Hey! You live! I’ve missed you!! Glad you are all doing well. (boring is GOOD) I will now gladly be stalking you on FB.

  4. *and by FB I meant Twitter…

  5. lovely to hear your voice… very glad i kept you in my feedreader. will check in on twitter periodically.

  6. Good to hear from you – I miss your posts!

  7. Holy crap! How the hell are you??? Just followed you on Twitter (though I’m rarely on there myself). Glad to know you’re alive!

  8. Yay! Totally missed you! Was thinking about you not an hour before I saw your post 🙂 Hope all is well with the fam!

  9. Good to hear from you! Doing the one three-year-old and one almost-three-year-old (two weeks tomorrow) thing here, and duuuude it is a VIOLENT and ANGRY age around here. Yowza.
    Yeah and I’m pregnant. So. Let’s hope they’re too busy killing each other to kill the new baby, should said baby actually come out alive.
    Other than that, same old same old.

  10. I don’t tweet…DUDE, I have enough SHIT to do..LOL
    but I will follow you on FB..and I’m here..and I know how you feel for sure. Feeding and clothing and raising these twins is OMG!!!!! Glad to see I’m not alone.

  11. Oh my GOD. You’re alive! You’re here! It is you, isn’t it? Don’t mess with my mind. Please let it be you! Or god, at least be on FB – I Miss you!

  12. I’m glad you’re not dead! Your blog is still in my bookmarks between Flotsam an Dooce. Every now and then I get curious and check on you. I miss your humor!
    Will definitely follow you!

  13. @sugarSNAPFiles is not working. Twitter says “page not found.”

  14. I hope that now everything works ok as I really love your writing and could read more from you somewhere in the web.

  15. I hope that now everything works ok as I really love your writing and could read more from you somewhere in the web.

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