Strange Weather Pattern Seen Over California, Thought To Be Watson Exhaling For The First Time In Months

Tuesday the follow up appointment went well.  Great, even. It was totally and completely the exact opposite of our visit last week.

In short, the pediatric cardiologist did see the focus, but said there was only one, it was tiny, they are common and basically not to worry about it at all.  He told the ultrasound tech not to even note it in the file because it was so small.

I cannot tell you the level of relief I felt after that appointment. And the difference between the two visits was like night and day.  The doctors this week were warm and friendly, even chatty. 

When the first doctor began the ultrasounding, I wasn’t exactly sure if he was the specialist or not.

"Are you the cardiologist?" I asked.

"No, I’m the janitor," he said.  "They let me come up here on Tuesdays just for fun."

A sarcastic and FUNNY physician??  What the?  Now THAT’S my kind of doctor!

Last week was like taking the train to Dicktown and then realizing, man, Dicktown really blows.

Tuesday felt like getting back on the train and going in the exact opposite direction to Doctor-In-Golf-Shirt Ville, which is nice and warm and comforting.  And I liked it there.

I did have a mild panic attack driving to the appointment, so thrown by my last experience and on my own since BeBop was at work.  But as I left, I felt such a lead weight lifted off my chest.

I can say I felt relieved, relaxed and, dare I say it, happy.  (At least I think that’s what it was.)

Can I include an awkward segue here?  Can I bring up something totally unrelated to the above?  I can?  Why thank you!  You’re the best!

So my belly has grown to epic proportions by now.  And while in the shower, it pretty much eclipses the nether regions.  You know…the va-jay-jay area and its accompanying foliage.

When trimming the hedges now, it’s like a Lewis and Clark expedition with a razor.  I am venturing into totally uncharted territory and just sort of…trying to recall where the bikini line once was so that I don’t veer off course and rupture an artery or something.

So here are my questions for you:  1) Do I have to resort to the torture that is a professional bikini wax, which I gave up years ago once BeBop and I were firmly ensconced in a relationship because, I thought, really — what’s the point? or 2) is the overgrown hedge sort of like those giant trucks with signs on the side that say ‘if you can’t see my side mirror I can’t see you,’ meaning, if I can’t see the fur is it a safe bet that others cannot see it either, or am I totally crazy?  Okay, don’t answer that.  Just the other parts.

We’re off tomorrow for a road trip down to Los Angeles so I can attend a good friend’s wedding, finally meet my little nephew for the first time and spend a relaxing couple of days at a spa for a mini Baby Moon trip. With the move coming up, this will likely be the only pre-babies vacation we take, so I plan on enjoying myself.

To everyone who’s seen a BFP recently I am so beyond happy for you, and I’m trying madly to keep up with and comment on your blogs.  To those of you still waiting, I’m still hoping.

Have a great week everyone, catch ya on the flip side. 


  1. Oh my god, i thought I was the only person alive who thought about how to trim the hedges when I’m so fortunate as to not be able to see them! I take great care in it so I don’t have to do the dreaded bikini wax. I’m gonna be checking back to hear people’s advice.
    Glad your appt went so well – a funny doc, he’s a keeper:-)

  2. YIPPEE!!! and sure that is a rather dorky thing to say, but it’s how I feel. Seriously, this is great news. I have been praying and crossing fingers and sending good thoughts, I’m glad to see some of them might have worked.
    if you get any answers about the va-jay-jay I’ll love to know…because I have a feeling in a few weeks I am going to need that advice.
    have fun on the mini Baby Moon and know I’m thinking of you and the babies.

  3. So that’s what is going on with the weather up here…Watson, I am so happy to hear about the results of your u/s. You were SO brave to go w/out BeBop. Seriously brave.
    My waxer-lady said she waxed the va-jay-jay of her daughter — weird and random, I know — a few weeks before she delivered. I guess she was getting spruced up for the delivery.
    Happy baby moon. What a lovely diversion from all that you’ve been going through.

  4. I know exactly what you mean with the whole landscaping deal. I don’t think I trust my hubby enough to help me.
    Glad things are going better and hope that you enjoy your trip.

  5. Janitor, ha ha ha! Overgrown hedge, wha ha ha! Oh stop it, I’ve got stitches from laughing now!
    anyway, breathing with you too, what a relief!!!

  6. YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY!
    So terribly glad this appointment went so well! Maybe they should hire that janitor on full time! LOL
    Maybe I’m an outsider here, but I say let the bushes grow!!! You can trim them when you can see them again. Who the hell cares if a pregnant lady doesn’t trim the bushes? I mean really… I certainly would not go back to the expense and pain of the waxing witches. NO WAY! You can always tell hubby that the twins like hiding in the bushes! LOL!
    OK – down off my box…

  7. Such great news about the appt!
    As for the fur, I say let it grow, let it grow…

  8. Yay! What awesome news!
    As for the other, let the jungle be. It is what it is.

  9. Congratulations on the good news!
    And on the nether regions, I have a funny about that. I stopped shaving down there when I couldn’t see it anymore, but then for some reason the day my water broke, I freaked out and sat on the floor of the shower and shaved the whole thing off! I didn’t even just do the edges like I used to. I wanted it all gone. Then my water broke at 10:30 AM – four weeks early! I guess that was my version of nesting????
    I didn’t realize I did that until a year later I watched the video of DD being born. I wanted to wait until her first birthday to watch it. It was just DH and I and when I noticed how bald I was, he reminded me what I did that morning! I had totally forgotten until he reminded me. What the nurses must’ve thought!!

  10. So happy to hear you got reassurance and happy news! Have a great vacation.

  11. When I had my son, trimming the hedges wasn’t such a big deal, early 90’s ok? But they shaved me at the hospital, down to nothing and it itched SOO bad when it was growing back in. My suggestion, if you are for sure doing a c-section, let it grow. If you think you are going to try vaginal delivery, then get some assistance for sure right before you go in and you don’t need it bare but just so if you tear they can stich you back up without worrying about hair getting in it. Make sense?
    Good luck and very happy that all is well with the babies.

  12. Glad you were able to breathe a sigh of relief!
    As for the landscaping, try a beard trimmer. You have a guard on it so you won’t slice yourself to pieces. BeBop could even help you if you wanted him to. Mr. Wonderful does the landscaping around here to meet his specifications. As for waxing, I have heard it really hurts when you are pregnant.
    When do we get a belly shot??

  13. Yay, good news!
    *Giggles hysterically at the hedges thing*

  14. Pheeeewwwww!!!!! I am so happy that you finally had a doctor’s appointment that didn’t leave you in tears and angst!!!! Yay!!! I’m so happy the twins are fine. Enjoy your vacation!

  15. I’m so glad the appointment went well!!!
    I say let it grow…

  16. HURRAY for the great appt!!
    and i had the EXACT SAME ISSUE tonight. i’m headed to the beach tomorrow for two weeks, and because i’m pregnant (i.e. stupid) i didn’t get the sensible skirted maternity swimsuit, so i had to do some trimming. i have NO IDEA what it looks like down there, but the husband promises to check me before i reveal anything each day. and then what? he tidies it up?? ooh, i just read reality’s comment, maybe he DOES tidy it up….

  17. Can I just say that your post about the ‘hedge’ just caused me to laugh HYSTERICALLY and choke on my dinner!?!

  18. Glad that the news was good and that the cardiologist has a sense of humour! I know my OB has one — he does a poor job of hiding it behind his stiff English accent.
    As for grooming, if your shower has a bench built-in (or perhaps even a little stool you could bring in), then a small portable mirror works well.

  19. I.Am.So.Happy.For.You!!!
    I can’t even say how happy. Really!! I’m so glad that your appt was so reassuring. Wonderful wonderful news.
    And as for the va jay jay shaving…I just have always shaved it all off (don’t judge me…MOMS can shave their va jay jay’s too, you know!) so mine is lots less mess-up-able I guess. I just feel and shave. But then, I’m USED to shaving it all off, so it’s not that dangerous.
    Good luck!!

  20. so glad everything is well! What a relief!

  21. PS: about the jungle… don’t shave too much or it is going to itch like crazy.

  22. Watson- this is amazing news. I am thrilled to hear that you are feeling more confident. Treading these waters for the first time myself (and totally freaking out daily), I was beside myself for you last week. I’m happy that you got good news. And from a funny doctor. Why can’t they all be like that?
    As for the forest below… I have no advice, really. Living in the great white North, where bathing suits are donned for nary a day or two I have given up any pretense of keeping it neat down there until I find that it is a must (ie: going to a friend’s cottae for the weekend.) Who’s looking other than BeBop? Also-I went for an eyebrow wax the other day and it hurt like hell this time ’round. Given those two items I say: let it grow and blossom.

  23. Dear Watson, this is such fantastic news. I love your janitor — what a hoot, and what a lovely change from last week!
    Exhaling right along with you, my dear. Have a great trip!

  24. Oh, I forgot to comment on the little trimming problem — I say just proceed as you are doing right now. That’s more or less how I’m handling it…

  25. So freakin’ fantastic, Watson!!!!

  26. great news. i’m so glad the appointment went well.
    regarding your renegade hedges…i say let them have at it. for now. if you’re able to know around when you are going to give birth, maybe go and get them taken care of shortly beforehand?
    i have no idea what i’m talking about…it could be really bad to go have a wax right before you give birth. i’m certain that the esthetician would be uncomfortable, but then again, i’m not sure how they are EVER comfortable doing that.
    i’m going to stop my useless babbling now though, okay?
    good luck with your decision!

  27. Glad the appointment and the doc were great. And I’m in the let-it-grow camp. You’ve got other things to worry about. Let Bebop take care of it if he feels strongly about it.

  28. Yay for good news!!
    As for the housekeeping, I had the boy do it for awhile and then I said “I’m eleventy months pregnant, I don’t give a d@mn what it looks like down there.”
    Now I was having a section and maybe that’s why. Plus I figure the doctors and nurses have seen everything, right?

  29. Were I ever to boycott laughing, I would completely stop reading your blog.
    Yea! That the u/s went so great. See, why can’t they wait to tell you things WHEN they become an issue? I mean, really, would it have been to much to wait a couple of weeks to see if anything developed?
    I love it when you write “babies.”
    Hey, k and i are about to do IVF, PGD, and transfer two (if we get that far)…which is obviously similiar to what you did, so i would love any tips/thoughts/etc.
    Glad everything is ok.

  30. Wonderful news Watson, so happy everything looks great now. These damn doctors know how to scare the shit outta us don’t they??
    Let it grow, make it a competition, you and BeBop can place bets on how many cm long you think it’ll be when the babes are born and you can finally see down there again.

  31. Re: hedges, I usually use a trimmer and as I got bigger and had to sort of feel my way around, the issue became not that I couldn’t see but that I literally couldn’t reach. You might want to have BeBop help you out.
    When I had my section they only shaved the top part–i.e. the bare minimum needed to clear the decks for the incision. Very weird looking. And then it’s all grown back sparser there, so everything is uneven. Now that’s way more information than you ever needed about my hedges.

  32. I am VERY happy to hear that your concerns have been put to rest!!
    Have a great vacation.

  33. Huge, huge, huge sigh of relief, Watson.

  34. I’m so glad the scan helped you relax, you really deserved that!

  35. Such great news! I read your last post and started to try to find the right words to somehow convey the appropriate “I understand what you’re going through”/”You did PGD, which makes all of those risk estimates meaningless”/”Hang in there, it’ll be OK” thoughts, but the internet gods were not on my side, and my post and connection were lost. Now I see that it’s just as well, because everything is OK. Yay!
    As for the hedges, boy do I feel your pain. I tried to do a trim the other day, and realized that it’s absolutely impossible for me to see anything past my enormous belly. Well, I went ahead, using an electric beard trimmer, and the results, according to my husband, were utterly laughable. Well, actually he doesn’t use words like “utterly laughable”, he just laughed hysterically, which conveyed more or less the same message.
    I swore off bikini waxes, though, after my last one resulted in an ingrown hair which became an abscess that had to be surgically drained in the emergency room by an intern that looked about 12 years old, and couldn’t stop going on and on about how “cool” all of the green goo coming out of the incision was. True story, even if told in a single run-on sentence.

  36. So glad the appointment went well. What a freakin’ relief.
    As for the va-jay-jay, get thyself in front of a full lenghth mirror after you shower. That way you can see, hubby doesn’t have to do it, you won’t cut an artery or other favored parts, and you won’t have to succumb to a wax (ouch)!!

  37. very, very good news – I’m so glad!
    on the trimming… I have never waxed ‘down there’ – and have no intention of ever doing so. But it is more challenging to groom now that I can’t see the thing! I feel my way through the shaving part in the shower – figured I’ve been doing it for years and I ought to know by know where the boundaries are. It works out just fine.(like putting on lipstick without a mirror). Then I do some actual trimming in front of the mirror. good luck!
    How many weeks are you now?

  38. Watson..finally catching up..just want to say that I am so glad the scan went well-now you can put that behind and enjoy this moment with BeBop.

  39. Hey Watson – where are you? What gives? On a Friday afternoon, when I’m feeling like goofing off at work, I expect to be able to come here and read some witty, smart content that has been updated within the last 2 weeks! I mean, for what I’m paying, you’d think I’d at least be, oh, wait, this is free. Never mind.

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