There’s More…

There once was a blogger named Watson,
Who wrote and wrote and always tried to have fun.

She posted of a husband, a dog, and trying to have a baby,
She swore so fucking often no one dared call her a lady!

Watson wrote of cervical mucus, her basal body temp and ovulation.
As if sharing these facts would get her a standing ovation.

One month it was IUIs, the next it was taking a break,
She got so fricking tired of TTC she wanted to jump in a lake!

But low and behold, a plan soon took shape,
They got all the testing done and got through the red tape.

It was finally time for IVF with the good Dr. Z,
They collected their nickles ’cause this shit don’t come for free.

Soon it was ultrasounds, pills and shots in the ass,
She continued the posting, much of it crass.

And then it was time take out the eggs,
And mix it in petris with Mr. Watson’s shmegs.

Into the uterus two little embryos were placed,
And immediately after to the bathroom she raced!

(What? You all SAW my full bladder!!)

Two weeks went by slowly, in fact they dragged on – REALLY!
And by the end of the time she looked like Free Willy.

The follies were swollen like giant golf balls,
Watson didn’t want to work or even stop by the malls.

But finally, thank God! the wait was all done,
And she peed on a stick, mostly just for the fun.

And what should appear but two bright blue lines,
She and BeBop were certain, these were pretty good signs.

The Beta confirmed it, she actually was up the duff,
And suddenly, the shots and the pills did not seem so rough.

And a couple of weeks later, it was all still so new,
They got the amazing news: actually there were TWO.

They jumped up and down and cried tears of joy,
And thought of two college educations one day — OY!

She’d shared the great news and yet there was more,
Such a surprise behind one more door.

Thanks to the miracle of science and PGD,
Watson and BeBop know the sexes of their progeny.

One will want pink and the other some blue,
We can honestly say that our dreams have come true.

One little boy and one little girl,
A little more joy in this little ole world…


  1. Oh, hon. A boy and a girl. How wonderful.
    I am SO.FREAKING.HAPPY for you.

  2. I think the glorious pink candy unicorn cuteness just futzed my best brain-cell.
    Isn’t that just the best news? I’m so happy I think I could start singing ‘That’s Amore’.

  3. Yay – what wonderful news!

  4. Congratulations! I am very happy for you but still very jealous, just so you know. Good luck and I wish you all the best. I will be here lurking through it all. 😉

  5. Awwww, bless, one each, couldn’t be better 🙂 XXXXXXX

  6. Fully agree with Artblog. It just couldn’t be better. Congratulations.

  7. I don’t know how you do it – that poem just kiss me! Your rhyming skills are excellent. And it’s so strange and still so very cool that you can (and do) know their sexes so early. Muchos congratulations. And a good idea: I think you should call them Marcia and Greg? Or Jan and Peter? Or, or! Cindy and Bobby!! Oh dear, I’m afraid you have many months ahead with suggestions like these 🙂

  8. Uh, the poem KILLS me, not KISS me. Though it did that too.

  9. Wow! I can’t think of anyone who deserves all this good news more than you! Woo hoo!

  10. Dear Watson, I believe this was once referred to as the “infertile’s jackpot.” Great news!
    “Shmegs.” OMG.

  11. Love the little sing-song! AND wow–that is so cool you already know boy and girl will be coming into your life! CONGRATS!!


  13. That is absolutely fantastic news!!! I am so happy for you and BeBop and your son and daughter.
    (I still think you should write a book and this poem just confirms that even more. Who needs Dr. Suess when we have our Dear Watson!)

  14. (Psst-20 bucks says you’ll hear the hated words “You have your complete family in one pregnancy!” at least 100 times before they pop out.)
    Congrats, babe. I’m really, really happy for you.

  15. Wow! Just, wow! Congratulations! I’m uber-sentimentally getting all teary eyed here. Since I started reading IF blogs recently, you’re my first virtual friend to make it to the promised land (so far!). Very, very happy for you.

  16. yea! one of each! that’s what i’m talking about!

  17. Coming out of lurkdom to say CONGRATS!!! I am truly so happy for you and your hubby. A boy and a girl, WOW, that is unbelievably awesome!

  18. Love the poem – and how cool that you already know the genders! No ultrasound guessing for you!!

  19. Hey now you have a complete family.
    Sorry, I had to be that asshole for Vanessa (looooooooove yoooooouuuuuuuuuuuu).
    We thought about doing PGD at first, for the whole designer baby thing, but after spending him raping us in the ass by forcing us to do everything under the sun that wasn’t really necessary anyway, we figured we’d just take what we got (aka, the bank was cleaned out).
    And yes, while everyone says they just want a healthy baby (and yes, it’s true, as trite as it sounds), I was a tad disappointed at first that we weren’t having a girl. I mean, I wouldn’t trade my son in for all the girls in the world, but uh, where was I going with this?
    *fart cloud emitting from brain*

  20. OMG congrats! That is just fantastic news. I’m off to look up PGD… LOL!

  21. That is wonderful news!! I’m very happy for all of you. I’ve always wanted a boy—that is sooo cool. Congratulations again!!!!

  22. Yay! Congrats!

  23. Watson, that is so awesome and I am thrilled for you. Thrilled that you are having good luck, you so deserve it. I have questions though, so I’m sorry for the long comment ahead but here I go. Since if I’m lucky enough that the next IVF cycle that doesn’t get cancelled (didn’t suppress on L*upron this time and formed an evil cyst), and if I am lucky enough to have enough of a response and if enough eggs fertilize…if if if, well – *then* we’ll do PGD (due to previous miscarriages). And we wonder about the “gender knowledge”. Knowing that the X or Y info would be in there somewhere, known by someone, makes us uncomfortable for some reason. To choose or not to choose? I am for not choosing, unless we were to transfer two, in which case we’d probably ask for one of each (if if if…of course). So how did it work? Were you told ahead of time of the gender of the embryos? Were you given a choice, to know or not to know? Did you find out only after knowing that it worked and because you asked, or how did it happen? Sorry, I got questions…! And I have no judgment of course on how you guys did it, everybody’s different, and I also understand if you don’t want to discuss. You are such a pioneer and an inspiration. I’m so impressed with how you approached all of it. I’d be also looking at IVIG, like you. Again, I’m so happy for you and the poem is just as witty as you are. Thank you for sharing and for being so freaking cool.

  24. YAY!!

  25. Loved the poem. A boy and a girl, awesome!!!!!!! congratulations

  26. Hey JV!
    If you pop back here, definitely e-mail me and we’ll discuss the PGD. Like you, I was very uncomfortable choosing the sex, in fact at first I didn’t even want to do PGD for the genectic testing, but my dr. said with so many embryos, it would be hard to choose.
    (I know, not a bad problem to have!)
    So once we decided to test for viable embryos, I was dead-set against even seeing the sex, much less choosing. So we decided to just choose the two best and see what happened.
    But of course on that day, all of the information is right there for you to see…so it does make it hard. And we decided that after having the doctor do his analysis and choosing, it would be okay for us to know — and not the other way around.
    Ok, I pretty much just spilled everything here, but definitely e-mail me at
    And good luck with everything!!

  27. That’s awesome, I have no experience with PGD so I had no idea you would find out the gender. Congrats!

  28. Way, way, way, WAY cool 🙂
    Believe it or not, not only do I have b/g twins, my brother has 2 sets of b/g twins (within 2-1/2 years, but thank G-d he’s married to Wonder Woman)… My SIL and I agree that b/g twins are the easiest by far…
    The next idiotic question you’ll hear is, “Are they identical?” 😉

  29. oh gosh, i have tears. you’re telling me these are real babies we are having? one day my blob will get pink or blue too?

  30. Congratulations!

  31. WAHOO! First off, great poem. Wonder how long it took you to write that?
    Secondly, WAHOO! (wait…I already mentioned that!) Yay on having one of each. I second Vanessa on the whole “hated remark” thing…I almost typed it out of reflex! I’m so happy this is working out for you so well. You’ve worked hard to get here. Perhaps this will be a sign of easy sailing? *knocks on wood to ward off the jinxs*

  32. That’s it. Tell Statia she needs to give you money.

  33. Fab news, Watson. Loved the poem- but again- you made me cry!! What the frig is oging on here???

  34. That was the most creative posts….I am so happy to hear about your pink and blue pair…how perfect. I can’t wait to follow your pregnancy and you bringing home those sweet little ones. CONGRATS!!!!

  35. Lovely, Watson! Congratulations.

  36. Over the moon for you – FANBLOODYTASTIC!!

  37. OMG, that’s just fantastic news!!!!!

  38. Yippee! What fantastic news! (And what a great way to deliver it.)

  39. Simply wonderful! Congratulations, and a big hug to you.

  40. Sherlock and Holmes…too cool.
    How are you feeling??

  41. Fabulous, Watson! Fabulous!

  42. Jeez, just teared up over here. Wonderful news. Congrats!

  43. That is fantastic! What more could you ask for?
    Great poem!

  44. Again, you made me gasp. Not only do I love the amazing news you are sharing with us these days but I truly enjoy the way in which you share it!!!
    I couldn’t be any happier (well, ok, unless it was me)!!! I am so very happy for you. What a dream to have boy and girl twins, especially after having to endure so much pain to get there.
    Again, my warmest congratulations!!!

  45. Great news, Watson! How cool that you already know the sexes of the babes. Best wishes for you all and your double blessing!

  46. Thanks so much for replying Watson – I will definitely email you one of these days. I hope you bring me luck! And congrats again and again… I’ll be here following along 🙂

  47. congrats! i just had b/g twins 3 weeks ago … and they are truly a blesssing!

  48. Congrats you lucky girl!! All the best to you 🙂

  49. LOVE the poem. LOVE the outcome of the PGD analysis. Congratulations! You finally get what you deserve!

  50. Perfect. Wonderful. I’m so happy for you! What a fun house you will have.

  51. Will you settle for cheese instead of money? I bet if I said that phrase to Vanessa, I could totally pay her in cheese instead.
    But then, I know her weakness.

  52. Fantastic!

  53. WOW! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I hadn’t stopped by in a bit, and what fabulous news! YAAAAAY!

  54. i think your mom prayed to the gods of ya ya while smoking a big ole’ bunch of peyote for you to have twins. never doubt the gods of ya ya. never.
    i think in honor of the gods and the peyote of course…you should name your children something that would conjure up images of pathchouli oil just by its very mention.
    seriously. you owe it to the Gods.

  55. Chills! I just had chills go down my arms. This is fantastic news. Yay! Boy-girl twins are the best.

  56. Perfect perfect perfect. What more could you ask for???

  57. They say that is the JACKPOT of IVF. We won that one too. 19 month B/G twins. I wouldn’t change anything at all.
    Don’t read all those multiples books, they will just scare the crap out of you. Listen to your body. (God that made ME sound cruchy!)
    Thanks for replying to my last comment. I am severly lacking in adult interaction with the twins at an “interesting” age. Shoot me an email if you have any questions or need any support. I am also an RN…
    Oh yeah, and we are going back to the RE TODAY to talk about an FET. So twins really ARE manageable!

  58. Ok I’m sooking now, that was fantastic and congratulation on your new little boy and girl. xx

  59. Fabulous, Watson! So happy!
    I got the Jude reference, by the by. 😀

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