Whine And Cheese, My Specialty!

So BlogHer 2008 was a bust.

For me, that is. Everyone else seemed to have a fabulous time.

I managed to come down with a terrible summer cold and miss almost all of the festivities.

I was planning on going for the whole day on Saturday. No kids, no husband. Weeeeeeee! I must have registered months ago, and if I wasn’t such a ‘tard I would have figured out how to put that “I’m going to BlogHer 2008” button on my sidebar like forever ago.  That’s how excited I was.

But I missed almost the whole goddamn thing. The opening session, lunch, the panel discussions, the book signings, even meeting up with the Marvelous Mel*.


With BeBop’s urging (and by ‘urging’ I mean he basically dragged my snuffly ass out of bed and MADE me go) I got up Saturday morning and after about three hours of ingesting various forms of cold medicine (helpful hint:  friends don’t let friends take seventy frillion different kinds of cold medicine) I drove myself to the nearest BART station and blew my nose for thirty straight minutes on the ride up to San Francisco.

After navigating the busy streets of the city (where did all these people come from? I asked myself. And why are they ALL going to DSW Shoe Warehouse??), I stumbled into the hotel and was soon overcome with a fever, copious amounts of perspiration that led to the dreaded BOOB SWEAT, a sneezing fit, frizzy hair and the horrifying realization that

1) everyone there looked totally cute and well-put-together; 2) everyone had totally cute haircuts; 3) I had neither of these things going for me. 

And I knew no one.  I was completely, utterly, ALONE. [cue sad music]

So I…of course…being the confident and self-assured woman that I am…went to hide in the bathroom for ten minutes and tried to pull myself together before the afternoon session about monetizing your blog. 

I’m sure the session was informative.  I am GUESSING it was informative because I was so hot and cold and sweaty and freezing and snot-producing and worried I might run out of Kleenex that I was far too distracted to really pay attention. 

I tried to write down the most interesting facts and here, direct from my astonishingly accurate and detailed note-taking, is the extent of my newfound knowledge about earning money through blogging:

* cost per click? find out what that means

* cost per aqu acqui acquition acquisition?

* what the fuck?

* must research affiliate networks (what r they?)

* what the fuckity fuck fuck?

* people say ‘do u know what i mean’ all the time.  Must be hip thing to say.  Must remem. to say more often

* moderator  = awesome hair.  How can I have cute haircut like that?  Have v. straight hair.  Like straw.  Must research perms:  do people still get them in 2008?

So, yes.  Well worth the schlepping as you can see. I did not get to meet any of the awesome women who attended, nor did I get to stalk follow around try to get a photo with hear Heather speak at the closing session.

And did I get to hand out any of the kicky new business cards I had printed up, just for this occasion?  WHY NO, but thank you for asking.  And why, might you ask, did I have business cards printed up for this occasion? 


As BeBop always says, I have an unnatural (and very disturbing) sense of respect for authority figures. And the kind folks at BlogHer suggested that I bring business cards and so that’s what I did.  Forked over about $30 just to get some cards printed that I toted up to the city and right back home again. And now they are shoved into my underwear drawer in the hopes my family doesn’t stumble upon them and ask what this blogging business is all about?

And guess what else? I hurt my foot. As in, I hurt the tendony part on the bottom and limped all the way back down to the BART station, through the throngs of people pushing their way into the Shoe Warehouse and my foot hurt so badly I didn’t even go in to see if there was an awesome shoe sale underway. Now that’s real pain.  And how did I hurt my foot?  Running up two flights of stairs to get my swag bag?  Or racing to the assigned room to get a great seat?  Why, no.

I hurt my foot…sitting.  Yes, you read that correctly.  SIT. TING.  In a chair.  Honestly, what kind of a lame ass hurts her foot sitting in a chair for an hour and a half?  (Don’t answer that.)

To be frank, I thought I’d spend the day meeting fabulous women and I’d try to get them to like me and also convince them that I was as cool as they were, only with much less attractive hair, and it would be just like junior high all over again only this time with business cards.

I was also hoping I’d run into someone in the bathroom who would take a sneaky peek at my name tag and remark, “Why YOU’RE Watson? Of My Dear Watson??  I read your blog all the time!”

Now that was clearly the cold medicine talking, people.

I wanted to hear Mel’s panel and raise my hand during Q&A to — under the guise of asking a relevant question — really make a comment.  You know how people do that?  And how frigging annoying it is?  YEAH. I wanted to do THAT!

But sadly, it was not meant to be. This damn cold kicked my ass and then came back for more.

Now I’m left, bereft and alone, to blow my nose, contemplate what to do with 200 business cards, re-read my notes and try to figure out what SCO MOZ means, wait for next year and, generally, just wallow in self-pity and regret.

Do you know what I mean?

*Ah, people? Did you know that our dear, sweet and totally awesome Mel is like a comic book hero now? Did she tell you about this?  How BlogHer put together this incredibly well-written and illustrated little booklet that highlighted a few bloggers, sort of the Super Heroes (Heroines!) of the Blogosphere and each one got their own cartoon character super hero drawing to go along with her profile.  YAY MEL!!


  1. I’m so sorry you missed a lot of it!!
    If it makes you feel any better, I had no cold, but I did have the fact that I live in B-F-E Ohio and well, that’s FAR.
    See? I’m lamer than you. I live in AMISH COUNTRY yo. And not nice touristy amish. Poor amish. Really.
    You knwo what I mean?

  2. I have always found that business cards make great coasters for beer bottles, and when folded, can take care of a wobbly leg on a chair or table.
    hope you are feeling better.

  3. Colds always have the worst timing! Feel better!

  4. Dear Watson, that just sounds miserable. I am so sorry! (If it makes you feel any better — and it probably does not — that is probably the way I would have handled BlogHer in fine health…)
    Please forgive me for not commenting in so long. I have been following along, but have just been too messed up in my head to reach out. Your twins are just the cutest, and I am so glad you are feeling better (well, aside from the Martian Death Flu) these days. Hoping the dark days blow away completely for you, too.

  5. I KNOW that hiding in the bathroom is exactly how I would have handled the whole thing (start to finish) despite good health. Although maybe that would have been a good thing for me, because maybe I would have seen you there, “Watson is that you?!” Love to read your blog 🙂

  6. Blogher is just wholly overwhelming. Period. Sad you didn’t introduce yourself!
    Thanks about my hair. It’s naturally insane that way and I’m glad the bangs gamble paid off.

  7. I’m so sorry you were sick. Maybe we’ll both get to go next year and I can come up to you and tell you “Wow! I read your blog all the time!”

  8. Oh god, I am so out of the loop. There are such things as blogging conferences?
    I had no idea…the idea frightens me, I can barely admit to myself I have a blog let alone own up in public…but this is my problem…I can’t imagine making money out of it. I’m always surprised and grateful ANYONE reads it….
    yeah the summer cold, Ive got one of those coming along nicely to go with bieng 30 weeks pregnant with twins and unable to sleep due to gravity forces….

  9. Since you have them and all, send me a damn business card!! Then you can say you handed a couple out. It will cost you a stamp to Canada, but I will carry it proudly!
    I am sorry your cold kicked your ass.

  10. Hi, I too follow along and just think your twins are adorable. If it helps at all I would have DEFINITELY talked to you if I saw you at blogher, because I DO read your blog all the time, and love it. But alas I couldn’t even manage to get myself there. But if I did in fact go, you would have most likely found me in the bathroom as well. Don’t worry Watson, you’re still a super hero to us lurkers in the blog world 🙂

  11. oh I’m so sorry! I bet your cards are so nice you can use them again next year, if you decide to grace Blogher with your presence!

  12. Sorry it didn’t work out the way you wanted it. I probably would have done exaclty what you did! I hope you feel better!

  13. If I had been there I totally would have found you in all your snotty glory in the bathroom and SQUEALED in delight at meeting you!
    This post was hi.lar.i.ous (sorry that it was at your expense) but if it makes you feel better, I laughed so hard that I broke into a massive coughing fit and had to fight not to pee – how’s that?

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