Momma’s Gotta Bring Home Le Bacon

Sweet Jesus if I could have preserved all the tears I cried yesterday in a bucket and somehow desalinated them, I could single-handedly solve our state’s water crisis. 

For years to come.

Today is my first day back at work. And I.AM.MISERABLE.

I know…waaahhh-fuckin’-waaaahhhh. I DID get a full four months off, what with three and-a-half weeks of bed rest followed by a generous three-month maternity leave.  So I shouldn’t complain.

But of course I am going to.

I have to work.  I am still the main breadwinner (bacon-bringing-homer?) and I make more than we’re paying our nanny, so I absolutely have to work.  Full time.  Unless, of course, we want to sell our house and move in with my parents but then I risk the babies being exposed to various healing crystals, life pods and being asked repeatedly if they remember their past lives. And that would all be in the FIRST DAY.

So off to work I went, after crying for literally the entire day and half the night yesterday. "Allergies," I sniffed when I walked in red-eyed this morning.

I know this is a dilemma so many of us face.  So many Moms work full time and somehow, make it work.  I only hope I can be one of them.

Is it bad that I have stared longingly at photos of Jackson and Parker most of the day or checked our Flickr site about a billion times?  IS IT?!?

On one season of…of that show? You know the one? The reality show about the contestants that race around the…OH YEAH The Amazing Race! (See:  baby brain in action.)  So on one season of The Amazing Race, two of the contestants were Moms, and they kicked ass in a challenge where you had to put some crap together (and I KNOW, what a detailed and thrilling story so far, Watson, why we’re just pleased as punch we checked out your blog today!) but anyway, they put these things together in record time and the host asked, incredulous, "How did you do that?"

They responded:  "We’re Moms.  WE CAN DO ANYTHING!"

And I loved these middle-aged women, with their Mom jeans and tennis shoes and t-shirts with hokey sayings printed across the front and I thought, I want to be a Mom.  I want to be able to do anything.

I want to be able to come to work without crying and feeling like I cut a giant, gaping hole in my chest each morning and left my heart at home.

Without ingesting large quantities of gin on my way to the office each morning, will I be able to cope with this change?

Stay tuned.

Oprah She Ain’t


I was going to post about how I had the honor of meeting the fabulous Erin over at The Vicious Cycle of Cycles and her awesome hubby  last weekend and how fun it was to have them over to meet the babies and see the Twinapalooza in full effect.  I had them come down to watch a feeding so they could get a better idea of what it’s like to have two babies…I wanted to stress the joy and excitement and that YES, it’s a hellava lot of work, but LOOK! Even with an almost crippling anxiety disorder it’s still FUN and aren’t boy/girl just the bestest ever?!?!  But of course BeBop had to open his pie hole and be all, Oooooooooh GAWD, the sleep deprivation!  I wish someone had been honest and warned me!  So I’m warning you…it’s HARD. And I’m tired and waaaaahhhhh! And if we’d been sitting at a table I would have kicked him under it, but instead I tried to divert their attention back to the guacamole and LOOK OVER THERE CUTE BABIES LOOK!

But they were great and I’m so glad we can be friends and I look forward to hanging out together once her babies are born and be the Twin Freak Shows parading around the greater Bay Area with our ginormous strollers that enable the babies to arrive approximately two minutes before we do at any given location.  And, as an extra special bonus you all simply MUST head over to her blog and beg her to post her recipe for the DELISH "enchilasagna" she brought (along with chips and BEER and adorable onesies for the babies, how great is she?!?).  It was so yummy and I thought we’d eat it two nights in a row (YAY! No cooking!) but it was so good we devoured the entire thing that very night.

So, anyhoodles, I was going to post all about that but then I watched the Tyra Show today.  THE Tyra Show, people. The one I was sort of asked to be on and then sort of unasked to be on.  First of all, the title of the show was Motherhood At Any Cost with the tag line, "See how far some ladies are willing to go to have their own biological child."

It was such a weird, uneven show. 

First of all, The Bachelorette Trista Sutter came on to talk about her struggles to get pregnant.  1) I do applaud her for openly discussing the issue.  Not many ‘celebrities’ (and I know, loose definition there) are willing to publicly discuss problems conceiving and I think if more people did, there wouldn’t be such a weird stigma attached to it.  But 2) Trista did get pregnant after an HSG, not fertility treatments per se, which is not to discount how hard her journey to motherhood was for her and her hunky husband Ryan, but STILL, I couldn’t help but think some of the motivation for her appearing was to sell her new line of diaper bags and perhaps that crazy ovulation predicting watch-thing she kept mentioning by name.  Is she also selling that?  I know, I’m such a freakin’ cynic.

And fo’ shizzle they HAD to include a brief but painful (for me) discussion of Trista’s recent US Weekly cover  entitled "How I Got My Body Back!" which is just a hideous and very painful slap in the face (and the still super-sized GUT) to any of us who haven’t gotten our bodies back and don’t have any hope of getting our bodies back within the next century. And by then it will be too late so who frigging cares but…where was I?

Oh yeah. Reality TV stars Trista and Ryan…

Truth be told I would have liked to meet those two in the green room, I can’t lie.  And does anyone else think it’s so weird that Jackson has the same onesie her son Max had on? And that I too opt for the baby layered look by putting on a long-sleeved onesie under the GAP one? And that I swear Max and Jackson could almost be twins despite the fact that BeBop and I do not, unfortunately for both of us, bear ANY resemblance whatsoever to Trista and Ryan? 



No one else thinks that’s weird?  Ok.  My bad.  Moving on…

The next guest was a woman so desperate to have a baby she’s lying to her fiance (who’s not ready for kids) about taking the birth control pill.  Once she made the staggering confession that no, she doesn’t actually take the pill consistently like she says she does, the camera panned to the audience who was all, oooooohhhhhh, and they shot a close-up of a woman with her mouth agape, oh-no-she-did’t practically written across her forehead.  The poor fiance was then dragged out, only to be told on national television his beloved has been lying to him. And then it seemed like Tyra did her best to break them up.  Is it just me, or did you all think that too?

Tyra did speak to a couple in the audience who has undergone some kind of fertility treatments, but they didn’t elaborate, only casually mentioning they had already taken out a third mortgage to pay for whatever it is they did, which they didn’t even discuss.  And their response to the ever-helpful, ‘did you ever think of adopting?’ question posed by Tyra elicited the ever-annoying* ‘we wanted a baby who was a product of us and our love…’


Blech to that annoying and condescending question that almost all of us have to hear countless times during our long and painful journeys to become parents ("D’oh!  Adoption?!?  Why nooooo, we never thought of THAT!  What a convenient, easy and affordable alternative!!  Not to mention speedy and free from complicated paperwork and sometimes even the prospect of international travel.  And totally without risk of heartbreak. GAWD what would we do without you Tyra!?").

To emphasize how totally awesome it is to adopt (even though: see tag line above,WTF?!?), at the very end she paraded out the editor of some magazine who turned 40 and decided to adopt as a single woman.  Who then dragged out her adorable but clearly frightened two-week old baby whose startle reflex was quite developed as she quivered and shook her little baby arms in response to the bright lights and deafening applause she was subjected to.

I can now totally understand why the producer I spoke to asked me if I could say something like, "You have to go on living your life…" to someone struggling to conceive.  Can you imagine?  Coming from ME, the poster girl for NOT living her life while trying to conceive. 

What’s this?  I just received a new text message:

I am a pot.  U R blck.  U suk.  U R an a hole.

They didn’t really talk at all about fertility treatments or the lengths intelligent, well-adjusted women will go to to have a baby.  They didn’t talk about the social stigma attached to undergoing fertility treatments.  I was hoping for a frank and eye-opening discussion of the pain we all go through, month after month.  And what that does to our self esteems, our outlooks on life, our marriages, our lives. And what about an informative conversation about the medical options that exist, without the ‘did you ever think of adopting’ question thrown out there.  I would have preferred not to have been ‘compared’ (as a woman who underwent five years of fertility treatments) with a woman who is lying to her fiance in the hopes of getting pregnant even though he’s made it perfectly clear he DOES NOT WANT KIDS YET.

But I guess that was too much to hope for.

I guess in many people’s eyes, we are the same:  the infertile woman, the single woman who chooses to adopt, the deceitful woman who lies to her future husband.  I guess we all DO go to desperate lengths, but it seems a shame to talk about all of us in the same conversation.  We do share the dream of becoming a parent, but to put all of us in the ‘Motherhood At Any Cost’ box is simplistic at best, insulting at worst.

*And not to be all judgey McJudgey, but I just don’t like people to knock adoption by saying that the only way to have a child who is a ‘product of their love’ is to conceive one.  I think for many people adoption is a fantastic alternative and that a family started this way is still a product of a couple’s love.  But to each his or her own and I shouldn’t be such a buttwipe, I know.  Sleep deprivation makes me more of a witch than normal.  (But don’t tell Erin I said so!)

A Year Ago Today…

…I was complaining (what ELSE is new??) about beginning my IVF cycle and starting to take birth control pills. 

It was the opening salvo in our last stand in the long battle to become pregnant.

Here is some of what I wrote that day:

Q:  How Do You Make A Hormone?

A:  Refuse to pay her.


That’s bad even for ME and I have frighteningly low standards. In case you haven’t noticed…

But seriously, how DO you make all of these hormones required for
the IVF cycle??  My GAWD people, the drawing up of fluid and the
powders and the vials and the syringes, OH MY.

I just about fell off my chair when I read through all of my
instructions from Dr. Z.  Is this puzzling and overwhelming for
everyone just starting her first cycle, or is it me?

If it’s me, you can tell me…

I am hoping that from the outset it all looks very scary and
confusing and quite painful, but once you’re in full swing it all falls
into place and starts making sense.

Is this what happens?  IS IT?!?!?  [shouted in quaky voice with veins bulging in neck.] [Not a pretty sight, I might add.]

I feel like crap today and I’ve only taken one birth control pill.
ONE. I have taken one little teeny tiny baby step in this process and I
already feel like my body can’t take it.


I was whining and flailing around in the kitchen today at work, all
flustered and pale and suffering from a migraine.  Always the drama
queen, it was obvious to anyone within a five-mile radius I was ill.

But you know those people who just cannot let you be ill?  They just
have to share in your misery and steal your thunder?  God I hate those

The annoying super nerd guy in my office  came into the kitchen,
took one look at me and said, "Oh are you sick?? I feel terrible too. I
think I have the SAME thing!"

"Really?" I snorted in response.  "So you recently grew a
faulty uterus and a bunch of marginal-at-best eggs??  And even though
you want more than ANYTHING to be pregnant you started the birth
control pill last night?? Because if the answer to that is NO, then I
highly doubt you have the same affliction I do!"

That shut him up.

So I am taking to my bed chamber…flouncy nightie and
marabou-trimmed slippers and all, to wait out this headache.  And hope
that this isn’t the start of a very, very long few weeks.

And coming soon…the winner of the Name This IVF Cycle Category Contest. 

You people crack me up. Thank you for bringing some levity to this whole thing.  What would I do without you?

And here we are, one long year later…and still, I ask myself, what would I do without you? 

Thank you all, so much, for commenting and e-mailing me after my last couple of posts.  Many of you said you had no experience with PPD, but wished me luck.  And others of you wrote such understanding and supportive comments (and e-mails) it literally brought tears to my eyes. And that’s NOT the post partum weepiness talking.

Today Jax was crying in his crib after I put him down for a nap.  If he’s fussy, I’ll let him work it out for a few minutes.  After play time, as soon as he starts yawning or getting fussy, I’ll swaddle him back up (with a hearty "I’m gonna swaddle you SUCKA") and put him down.  This often works, today it didn’t.

His fussing soon went to Def Con 5, and I thought, what the hell?  I’ll change his diaper and see if that helps.  He was literally shrieking in Parker’s ear, since they sleep side-by-side, and although she can usually block out his monkey screeches and sleep through anything, I was afraid he would wake her.

So he had a wet diaper.  And after I changed it I held him up and patted his back, saying, "hey, maybe you have to burp… ???"  And seconds later he let loose a belch so loud it could have come from a Stanford frat boy after shot-gunning a six-pack of beer.

"What the HELL?!" I asked Jackson.  "How did I think of trying THAT?"

Maybe I CAN do this job, I said to myself, maybe I can

(I know, it’s sad when a single burp is what I’m building my Mom Confidence platform on, but HEY, it’s a start, right??)







PS  Go to to waste your own time making a self-indulgent fake cover like I did!  Good LORD, do I really have this much time on my hands?!?

Lexaprojectile Vomiting

And that was ME, not the babies, of course!

So that didn’t work out so well…THAT being the Lexapro, which seems to have brought on the World’s Most Severe Migraine.

I didn’t just have a migraine, people, that migraine HAD ME!

Why didn’t you warn me?!?

Oh yeah, right.  I begged asked you not to.  Silly me.

After a few days on the lowest dose, I came down with this awful migraine, complete with vomiting…and… OHLORD the vomiting.  It lasted all night and into the next morning when BeBop had to place an emergency call to my Mother, who rushed over to help me feed the babies since he had to get to work.

It was terrible.  It was baby-throwing-in-the-Boppy-so-I-could-run-to-the-bathroom-and-dry-heave awful.

So onto my next plan, which is to see a real live psychiatrist, instead of the nurse practitioner, and investigate a whole range of options, since I seem to have a hard time ingesting these meds. (Did I tell you I started Effexor a few weeks ago and that also made me really sick?)

But, I am feeling better.  Whether it’s a few days on the ‘Pro or a coinkydink or some placebo effect, I haven’t had the daily anxiety that plagued me for months.  So I feel like I have some time to check out different options and come up with a plan.

In the meantime, the babies are doing great.  At 9 & 1/2 weeks (MYYYYYY how time flies when you’re on the verge of a nervous breakdown!) they weigh the exact same, 10 pounds, 11 ounces. 

I take the 2:00 AM feeding and BeBop does the next one around 6:00 and then heads off to work.  I wake up and try to down a cup of coffee before they get up and then I do the 10:00 AM feeding which is followed by play time.

We listen to music and they sit under this jungle-themed contraption with music and lights and Jackson loves the hell out of this thing, but it’s a bit much for my little Peanut.  She prefers to ‘read’ with Mommy which entails me showing her pages from one of those newborn baby books with the black and white images and reading some of the most inane words ever put to paper:  Did you feed the baby?  YES!  I fed the baby!  What a wriggly giggly thing!  I usually make up my own words:  Mommy has anxiety issues!  Does Mommy need a spa getaway?  YES!  She does need a spa getaway… to make it a little more interesting.

They loooove their swings and so do we.  I swear when those suckers run out of batteries I practically have a conniption.  Parker has just noticed that while swinging, there is a mirror directly above her head.  She stares and stares at herself making little cooing sounds, while I encourage her by lamely repeating "Who’s a pretty girl? Who’s the pretty girl?" over and over again, to both of our delights.

It’s odd to look back over the last couple of months, to see how far we’ve all come.  I was so sick and scared when we got home from the hospital, and between the hourly (at least) crying jags and the anxiety, I could barely function. 

I am still getting my Mom Legs as I call it — still trying to find my way through this incredible maze.  Every day is different, and just as I think I have a routine or a rhythm down, things change and I’m forced to try something new.

The babies are so good, but sometimes we have the Double Baby Meltdown.  This usually happens when I’m running late to feed them, which starts with me changing one and putting him/her in the swing and then changing the other one and putting him/her back in the other swing and heating up the bottles and then placing them on the Boppy pillows to eat.

Then begins the three-ring circus known as feeding time when I prop the bottles up and burp one and then the other, a couple of times each, until they’re both finished and then I stare at them, wide-eyed (me, not them), and ask what they want to do next.

If you were to visit, you might very well hear the following yelled from one room to the other: ONE MOMMY, TWO BABIES! ONE MOMMY TWO BABIES!  HOLD IT TOGETHER PEOPLE!!!!

This happens when I am busy changing one of my little angels and the other one is losing his or her shit in the other room.

(I am convinced that if either Jax or Parker follows in my footsteps and seeks out any kind of therapy in the future, they will share with the therapist that somewhere, deep in the recesses of their brain, they hear an odd statement over and over again that sounds a lot like "One mommy, two babies" and they don’t exactly know what it means…)

This so does not come easy for me.  I like things to be planned out, I like to know what to expect.  I prefer to study and prepare and know what’s coming. I like to believe I know what I’m doing.  I like to feel competent.

In short, I am ill-suited to this new job I took on a few months ago; I am still woefully unprepared for the promotion from Pregnant Gal to Mom.

But I try my best, each and every day.  And I’m grateful, each minute. I still sneak into the nursery and watch them sleep, side by side in the crib.  And I stare at these two little miracles and still can’t believe that after everything, they’re here.  And that they will be here, with us, for the rest of all of our lives.  That the four of us will walk through this world, together.  That I’ll help them take their first steps and drop them off at school and one day when her hair grows back get a matching Katie-Suri haircut with Parker and make BeBop teach them to drive and wait up for them at night and, hopefully, be here to see them find partners and have kids of their own if they so choose.

It’s been a crazy, wild journey so far and yet, we’re still at the very beginning. 


Are You Down Wit’ PPD?

PPD, how can I explain it
I’ll take you frame by frame it

To have y’all jumpin’ shall we singin’ it

P is for Post, P is for Partum
The last D…well…that’s not that simple

It’s sorta like another way to say you’re all bummed out

It’s nine little letters that are missin’ here

And it fills you with dread and doubt

Bust it

Okay, so I did threaten promise to write more often, but alas…I just don’t got it in me.
I want to write about what the babies are up to, since this will undoubtedly be the best diary of their early months and years and my memory is shot to hell. But every time I think about posting, something comes up.

Something like this damn anxiety I have had since the babies were born.

People? I think I have post partum depression and I’m here to tell ya, it’s no fun.

I’ve heard that PPD often presents itself as anxiety, and with me that appears to be true. I don’t feel all stay-under-the-covers blue.  Which I have felt in the past (after a terrible post-grad school breakup with Mr. Cruel and a humiliating move home to my parents’ house), and this isn’t that.  But almost every day, I feel this sense of dread come over me like a black cloud, even when I’ve had a good day.  I have lots of help, and most days things are really good, but STILL in the late afternoons this weird anxiety comes over me. 

I don’t have any physical symptoms (like having panic attacks) but out of nowhere, just feel rotten.  Blech. Blah.  And I worry about any upcoming change.  I freaked out daily in the weeks before BeBop went back to work after being home for six weeks.  I worried about the baby nurse taking a week off while my sister was here and then worried about my sister leaving.  I worried about my mother-in-law leaving after helping for two weeks and now I worry about the nanny starting and going back to work and Lord knows what else. Sometimes I worry about nothing, just feel worried…ANXIOUS.

And I’m tired of it.
So I’m starting Lexapro and we’ll see what happens.

Of course, being ME, I’ve already tried a veritable ASSLOAD of natural remedies, including but not limited to:  St. John’s Wort, homeopathics, chamomile tea (which?  WTF?  Why did I listen to THAT suggestion??), Bach Flower Remedies, some weird concoction that comes in a dropper – of course offered by my Mother – and another herb which is supposed to relax you but instead made my skin itch and God knows what else.

If you have any GOOD stories about taking medicine for PPD, please share.

If you have any horror stories, please DON’T. 

Good GAWD, the evil internet is chock full o’ stories warning me that Lexapro is the Devil’s Doing, and that if I ever decide to stop taking it I will endure  all nine circles of hell and wish I was detoxing from heroin.
I stuck my head in the sand (= resisted the magnetic siren song of Mistress Google) throughout my IVF cycle and my pregnancy and all that worked out pretty well for me, so I’m planning on repeating that now. 

But really, if you have some positive words to share, I’m all ears…

And in the meantime, here are the little lights of my life, PPD or not:





Damn You Extra 30 lbs Of Baby Weight: DAMN YOU TO HELL


That extra padding I am now sporting is, I surmise, the reason I was snubbed from the Tyra Banks Show.

The producer called me one night and we chatted about my experience and why I willingly made an ass out of myself for all to see put those videos on YouTube.  It sounded like they wanted someone still trying to get pregnant, so my joyful outburst of "NO!  I NOW HAVE NEWBORN TWINS! TWINS I SAY!!" did not go over well.  But being the sharer that I am, I directed her to my blogroll and said there were many fabulous women out there in the blogosphere still trying….but HEY, I would love to come to New York and be on the show just the same.

So later that night despite the fact that I am delirious due to lack of sleep I e-mailed her several recent photos as requested and I guess the transformation (to put it lightly) from my pre-babies YouTube Self (which wasn’t any great shakes to begin with mind you) to….errrr….uh, what I look like today did not cut the Tyra mustard and I never heard from her again.

C’est la vie I guess.

I am continually amazed at those of you who continue to post regularly with new babies at home…I want to write almost every day, but I just can’t seem to find a block of time needed to sit down and compose anything close to a cogent thought.


I am one stick short of a corn dog and yes, I did just make that up and NO, it doesn’t make any sense but there you go.

I want this blog to continue to be a journal of this entire experience, but I am finding it so hard to write. I am finding it hard to do anything besides cope, for God’s sake, and truly things are good…I can’t imagine the basket case I would be if we had major issues with the babies.

I still have help from the baby nurse and I found a great nanny who will start in a few weeks.  My wonderful mother-in-law is in town for two weeks and she helps me change and feed the twins and she cooks and cleans like a MoFo, so I am being spoiled.  People do my laundry and empty my dish washer and still, STILL!, I am beyond exhausted and overwhelmed.

And the babies?  (ENOUGH of your whining Watson, for crissakes, what about the freaking KIDS I can almost hear you say.) Sweet Jesus they’re cute and I know that’s so friggin’ obnoxious but it’s true!  They now eat  about every four hours and so far, no major issues with colic or reflux and for that I am eternally grateful.  Really. Each night after the 10:00 PM feeding I take Bosco out to pee in the backyard and in the dark of night I look to the heavens and say thank you, dear God thank you for these babies and for their good health.  And I can see my breath in the cold air and as I look beyond our lemon tree to the night sky, I fill myself with gratitude, for just one perfect moment.

And so far they’re pretty good sleepers too…they still sleep a lot of the day away, but at six weeks they’re starting to stay up between feedings to ‘play,’ which often consists of me putting them on the jungle-themed play mat or the boppy pillow, sometimes posing them in fake isn’t that the cutest twin thing EVER poses and blinding them with the flash of the digital camera.

My mood has been crazy. If you couldn’t tell.  I spent the first three weeks crying my bloody head off, and the anxiety was almost crippling.  Although the hourly crying jags have stopped, I still have many moments of sheer terror that I am screwing these kids up for life, and many, many moments of self-doubt.  (But on the bright side I don’t have to worry about THIS.) At least I got that going for me.

And if that damn link didn’t work, it was to a story about twins, separated at birth, who unwittingly MARRIED EACH OTHER. Go ahead, Google it, you know you want to.

I will soon (and by ‘soon’ I mean before 2010 if I’m lucky) write a post entitled Motherhood:  Why I Am Ill-Suited To This Job.

But we go on.  Each day brings new joys and new fears and the lack of sleep is having a profound effect on me.  And NOT in a good way.  Thus you will also soon be treated to a post called Lexapros and Cons.

And if you’re really lucky, maybe a post titled Who Do I Have To Blow To Get A Clean Paci Around Here?

I know!  Can’t WAIT, can ya?

So in the meantime, feast your peepers on these shots, AKA the Damn Photos That Ended My Future Career As An IVF Talk Show Circuit Super Star:


Mommy put on lipstick, for the LOVE OF GAWD


Mommy and Jaxy Waxy Cottontail and YES, I do really talk like that now believe it or not



Mommy and Parker Pee Pants and SEE! I told you.

Better Than Nothing (I Hope!)

So my plan, for days now, was to

1) thank you all for your wonderful support and great advice after my last post and ask, yet once again, what would I do without you?!?


2) re-write/update my little take on ‘An Infertility Night Before Christmas’ that I posted last year:

Twas a few nights before Christmas, when all through the house

Not a creature was stirring, not even a spouse.

The OPKs were laid by the bathroom sink with care,

In hopes that a second line soon would be there.

Bosco the dog was nestled snug in the bed,

While visions of squirrels danced in his head.

And BeBop in his boxers, and I in my jammies (which are such wrecks!),

Had just settled down for another installment of baby-making sex.

When out in the bathroom there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from the bed ,and hopped over the dog, to see what was the matter.

Away to the sink I flew like a flash,

To check the ovulation-predicting stash.

The bathroom light shone like a star, giving me a sign,

When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,


I was off the hook that night,

Thank the good Lord above because I looked quite the fright.

So it was off to bed, sniffling, coughing and sneezing up a storm,

To skip sex that night, which is really the norm.

And then, as the dawn broke today,

I noticed still more EWCM in the region of the vajay-jay.

So it’s back to the sticks and the tests tonight,

In the hope we can, finally, get it right.

And Watson exclaimed, as she ended this post,

She wishes she could raise her glass in a toast.

To all of her new friends who lend such love and always have a clue,

She hopes in the New Year all of your wishes come true!

And THEN I said to myself, "SELF, ARE YOU CRACKED?!?"

I can barely put together a simple sentence these days, it’s usually more like "Bottles!  Warm?!?" or me struggling to add 3 & 1/2 to the last feeding time while counting on my fingers. "Sooooo…3:30, 4:30, 5:00, wait, no…errrrr….uh, 3:30, 4:30, 5:30, 6:00 – ish??"

Here’s a quick update:  Jax is finally (praise the LORD!) eating well!  We did try different bottles and nipples and the boppy and holding him and bribing him (for some reason, the notion of a fully-financed trip to the university of his choice in 18 years didn’t do the trick — what’s wrong with the kid??) and nothing worked, until suddenly one day about a week ago, everything clicked and he started drinking and liking it and wanting more.

Fingers crossed it keeps up because I was on the verge people, on the verge…

And as for breastfeeding? I threw in the towel. And the pump. I gave up.  And although it was hard to come to terms with the idea of not breastfeeding at all, I just had to.  Seriously, it took me a WEEK of pumping to get 2 ounces, which is so sad.  At that rate, Jackson would have been enjoying his paid-for tuition and residing in a dorm room by the time I could produce enough milk to make any contribution to their feeding.  So I gave up, and returned the hospital-grade pump and gave a sullen, "Uh, sure…" response when the woman asked, "So did that work out for you?"

OH! I do have news: Get this, a producer from the Tyra Banks show e-mailed me about my YouTube videos, to discuss an upcoming show on infertility.  How crazy is that?!?  I called her but she hasn’t called me back, so who knows if anything will happen, but wouldn’t that be fun? 

And that, my friends, is the scoop from around here.

I know this isn’t much of a post, or an update, and I’m too lame to include any photos, but I did want to wish everyone a very, very happy holiday and may the New Year bring you much happiness, good health and magic…

XOXO,  Watson

Radio Silence


There  is soooo much I want to blog about, but like a bad stereotype of a frazzled new Mom I walk around in my jammies all day with greasy hair and if I get to brush my teeth I feel accomplished…and we have help!

I don’t know what new Moms do without help. I really don’t.

I want to write about the night before the babies were born, when BeBop made a great dinner and gave me a book — a book he made. By hand!  A real book, bound and everything, with beautiful images starting with the two photos from Dr. Z of Embryo 3 and Embryo 8 who, in a few short months, would become Jackson and Parker.  BeBop designed beautiful images for each page, along with photos of me being pregnant and lyrics from different songs.  It was the most touching gift I have ever received.

I want to write about the birth story. But with a scheduled c-section, there’s not too much drama or mystery about the whole thing.  I was so, so sick at the very end and so thankful my dr agreed to do the surgery on that Wednesday instead of Friday which he initially suggested.

I want to write about how beautiful the babies are, how Parker is above her birth weight because she eats like a champ and demolishes every bottle.  She’s so small and pink, with feathery traces of light blond hair and the sweetest face you’ve ever seen.  She’s Mommy’s little angel.  And how Jackson is so sweet but also so stubborn, (how could a two-week old be so stubborn??)  and how he’s a tricky eater (more on this in a sec.) and still a few ounces below his birth weight.

There’s just so much to write about, to  much to be grateful for and excited about, but I have so little to say it with…

So for now, I’m going to ask for help.  Any words of wisdom for a new Mom?

–I still feel sooo overwhelmed.  I feel totally out-numbered with two babies, especially when I have to feed both myself (BeBop takes the late night feedings, I do early mornings). Any tips from other twin Moms?  I know it’s only been two weeks, but I feel totally anxious when it comes to feeding two babies.

–My milk supply is paltry, bad, whatever. Now they’re on formula 100%, and I’m trying to pump and take a bunch of herbs that supposedly can help with the volume, but it’s so frustrating and hard. After dealing with infertility for a million years, I just want my body to WORK.  To do what it’s supposed to. But it’s not.  I’ll keep pumping for another week or so, but at some point I have to face the truth and I might have to give it up.

–Thankfully, BeBop has had this whole time off.  He had to take a couple of weeks before the birth because I was sick, and he doesn’t go back until after the holidays. But I’m already FREAKING out about it.  During the day, I get help from a baby nurse we hired for a few weeks.  She’ll be here for much of January. She’s so helpful, BeBop isn’t even around much of the day, he’s getting things organized around the house and decorating for Christmas, whatever.  But I feel so much better with him around, and I literally feel panicky and anxious when I think of him going back to work.  He won’t be able to do the late night feedings and still function, so I’ll have to do more on my own.

–Jackson is very tricky on the bottle. He’ll take the first ounce great and then practically goes on a hunger strike.  We’ve tried millions of bottles, nipples, etc. but nothing seems to do the trick.  The nurse, of course, has much better luck than I do.  With me, he literally puts his tongue at the roof of his mouth to block the bottle, he gets very  sloppy and drips a ton out the sides of his mouth, he’ll stop sucking and swallowing if you actually manage to get the bottle in there.  It’s like he has a bag of tricks he uses to keep from eating the rest of the bottle.  His weight gain is okay, but not great.  The dr isn’t concerned, but of course I am.  I feel like I can’t breastfeed him and now I can’t seem to BOTTLE feed him either, what the frick is wrong with me?!

My sister is coming this weekend to help, and the baby nurse has offered to come back and help me through the transition when BeBop goes back to work. I think I have a ‘WARNING:  Good Candidate for Post Partum Depression’ sign on my forehead or something. But I’m grateful for the help, I really am.

I still can’t believe a year ago we went to LA to celebrate our 6th anniversary and talked so much about how we were ready to start the IVF cycle after the first of the year.  And how a year later, we are getting ready to celebrate the twins’ first Christmas.  What a  wild, crazy and wonderful year it’s been.


How The? Who The? Wha? Where Am I?

So much to say, so little brain power to say it with!

THANKS to the awesome Oneliner for sharing the good news, but beware:  friends don’t let friends text when hopped up on all sorts of pain meds!

Things are great — we’ve been home since Sunday night and the twins celebrate their one-week birthday today.

They are doing so well, after losing a little too much weight at first, Parker is back up to her birth weight and Jackson is still about 11 oz. off, but we’re getting there.

I will definitely try to write  a ‘real’ post in the days to come, when I don’t just burst into tears each and every time I look at them and cannot believe how blessed we are.

I mean, really, what else is there to say??




Don’t Make Me Come In There And Get You…

This will be a short update:

Scheduled c-section, on for tomorrow.

Yesterday (38 weeks and 1 day) at my check up,  the Cervix of Steel still had not budged.  Since last week, my swelling has gotten worse, I’ve developed a case of itchy skin that is so bad I’ve had to call the doctor twice, and just to add some fun to the mix, I somehow managed to do something to my pelvis that renders it almost unworkable.  Meaning standing, sitting and oh yeah! walking are almost impossible. I haven’t slept in days…

I’m going back today for more blood work because they’re concerned about cholestasis, some sort of liver disease that can strike late in pregnancy.

Good times, people, good times!

I think the last nine months of relative quiet on the pregnancy front is now finally catching up to me in these last days.

I will try to update as soon as I can!